
Pack shot revealed for Sorcery Playstation Move bundle

The official European pack shot has been revealed for the Playstation Move bundle for the upcoming Playstation 3 exclusive action-adventure title, Sorcery.

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theeg4443d ago

lol....the only game that ever made move look worthwhile, i firgured it got canned, hopefully it will be cool.

hopefully one day they come out with a kinect game that is worthwhile too

motion controls are total crap imo!


The legendary narrative adventure game series “Sorcery!” is coming to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 2021

"The Poland-based video game publisher No Gravity Games and the UK-based indie games developer inkle, are today very excited and happy to announce that they have just joined forces to release the legendary narrative adventure game series "Sorcery!" (part 1 to 4) to the Nintendo Switch in Q3 this year (2021)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Gaming Steve Podcast Episode 75 - Overwatch

This week Gaming Steve gives you the latest gaming news. Reporting on the Sony Neo, tons of Blizzard news, and DLC released two years late.

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Sorcery Review At Skewed And Reviewed

Wesley at Skewed and Reviewed took a look at the new version of Steve Jackson's beloved classic and found it to be a fun although at times lacking game. He did love enough of it to say that it is worth checking out for fans of the series.