
IGN | Kinect: Star Wars Review

If you’re a longtime fan who’s been waiting for a game that’ll let you live out your Star Wars fantasies than the wait is far from over. Kinect Star Wars, with all its control and polish issues, has very limited appeal for an adult audience. Kids will likely find more enjoyment out of it, even the absurd dancing mode, but ultimately its more of a Star Wars-themed set of mediocre mini-games than the jedi epic fans are dying for.

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dedicatedtogamers4558d ago

Ouch. Not much to say except we all saw this coming.

EasilyTheBest4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Please check out the 9/10 and 8/10 and 7/10 scores.
Funny your not in those posts.


antz11044558d ago

^Lol, bitter much?

Ugh, too bad...could have had potential. Should have just had the entire game being ass-kicking jedi.

MariaHelFutura4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

First- It's you're/you are, not your.

Second- You just look stupid when your argument is a few select reviews. Overall the game seems to be getting average scores. If you like it, get it. Personally I've loved some games that generally got bad/average reviews. With that said, Kinect Star Wars doesn't look to be the best game ever made and its not really that surprising.

EasilyTheBest4558d ago

Yeh thanks for correcting my English, sum ppl have so much time on their hands! lol

The game has equally good to bad reviews so your point isnt really valid.

NukaCola4558d ago

Only high score are form Xbox only sites,

this is xbox
planet xbox

the rest arent fooled by the jedi mind trick.

this isnt the kinect game you were looking for

SilentNegotiator4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

Please check out the 4/10 and 5/10 and 6/10 scores.
Funny **YOU'RE** not in those posts. (other than this one, from big scary IGN)


Don't make arguments that are so easy to logically reverse.

"The game has equally good to bad reviews so your point isnt really valid"
PlanetXbox360, ThisIsXbox, and Xboxer make up half of the scores above 70.

StanSmith4558d ago


Stop being so butthurt! I've seen you post the same comment in nearly all the average reviews.

If you like it, then fine. Just stop attacking people for not agreeing with you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4558d ago
SockeyBoy4558d ago (Edited 4558d ago )

I just want MS to turn their f***ing attention away from Kinect and throw some money towards some new IP's that have NOTHING to do with kinect!

Gazondaily4558d ago

To be honest, this would work much better with a MOVE + KINECT combo. The accuracy of the MOVE controller with the ability to use your hand for force powers etc.

Remember ladies and gentleman, motion controllers today are a stepping stone for the technology of tomorrow. We might hate them now, what with the tech being in its infancy, but soon, it will surpass the traditional controller set up we all know and love.

Septic said it first!

OFF-topic: Watch Breaking Bad guys. Oh my days! It is crazy!

h311rais3r4558d ago

Um everything you said has been said when kinect was first announced.......and that combo is already on pc with kinect/razer hydra combo...

Rainstorm814558d ago

Seeing this made me gouge my eyes out


I know this is a Kinect game but an auto tune Han Solo song and dance, They couldve went in a different direction and made something pleasantly unique for Star Wars fans, This game makes the Force Unleashed games seem Legendary.

TBM4558d ago

I love the star wars franchise, but i would never spend my hard earned cash on this piece of trash.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4558d ago
r214558d ago

wow, this game is getting high AND low scores. confused whether is crap or amazing @_@

MariaHelFutura4558d ago

Taking fanboyism into account both ways, the game seems average.

Nodoze4558d ago

The high scores involved greased palms and money exchange. There is no other explanation. This is shovelware and EVERYONE with eyes knows it.

VanillaBear4558d ago

I honestly think the good reviews are just people who had a LOT of hope for this game. It did have a lot of hype behind it, remember E3 when it was about "core Kinect games" and this game was the "star core" game of the show.....I don't think people can actually admit that it's shovelware.

giovonni4558d ago

I have this one coming in through game fly. The mistake made for this was making it 100% kinect starwars is to complex a game to use kinect only. It should have been used for smaller features like they did with Mass Effect 3. all your force spells should of been voice activated with the option of using hands. I will see in a few days when my copy from game fly comes in

4558d ago
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Kinect Star Wars (2012): A Journey Through the Galaxy with Motion Controls

Kinect Star Wars, a groundbreaking game released in April 2012 for the Xbox 360, utilized the Kinect motion-sensing peripheral to plunge players into the heart of the Star Wars universe.

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ApocalypseShadow550d ago

One of the worst things to happen to Star Wars was it being exclusive to Kinect when PS Move could have been a better version because of "buttons" per Kevin with better tracking. And the controller looking like a light saber hilt. Or, had an actual light saber game similar to the dojo in Vader Immortal.

But the miming lies on the Microsoft E3 stage was icing on the cake of this garage. Wasn't even live gameplay. Just bad acting. Nothing ground breaking about this travesty.


Star Wars is Best Suited for AA Gaming, Not AAA

WTMG's Leo Faria: "This piece wasn’t meant to say that Star Wars‘ gaming future is ruined forever, nor that there isn’t a chance for a good AAA Star Wars game to come out in the near future. I need to reiterate that, yes, I’m looking forward to Jedi Fallen Order. Then again, as a massive Star Wars fan, like most of you I miss the days when we would get loads of titles a year, each one focused on one specific feature of the franchise. I’d rather have a slew of smaller Star Wars games being released every year, some good and some not as good, than one big generic title being released every two years. These are always at the risk of being criticized due to typical AAA practices like expensive season passes, cut content, or microtransactions. Had Disney allowed for anyone, especially mid-range developers and publishers, to bring their creative and risk-free ideas to life, I’m sure fans would have rejoiced. And Disney’s pockets would most certainly fill up faster than nowadays."

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1883d ago Replies(1)

The Wiseau Awards - Kinect Star Wars (Xbox 360)

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Kinect Star Wars gave me the opportunity to witness Darth Vader and the Emperor dancing to Deadmau5's "Ghosts n' Stuff" like a couple of teenage ravers on ecstasy. That's the best thing I never thought I'd ever see in my life."

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Jinger2336d ago

lol I remember this. Almost as much of an embarrassment as the Star Wars Holiday Special

Barbauer2336d ago

I'm Han Solo, I'm Han Solo