
IGN - Top PlayStation Move Developer Working on New Game

IGN can confirm that Zindagi Games, the studio behind PlayStation 3-exclusive Move-enabled titles Sports Champions and Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest, is hard at work on its third Move game.

badz1494466d ago

I can imagine that Medieval MOVE can only get better with the ability to move (pun not intended) freely instead of moving on rails!

TooTall194466d ago

Or if they focused on 1 event and turned it into a full game. Perhaps disk golf or archery.

r214466d ago

i hope its not an on-rails game. did not like Medieval moves.

360GamerFG4466d ago

Top Playstation Move developer?? They've made 2 games, one of which is sitting on a 60 something metacritic score. Come on now.

CanadianTurtle4466d ago

I hope this time, they will create a game that will actually make me WANT to buy a Move. Don't get me wrong, I'm really trying to find whats so good about the PSMove, but I can't. I thought Sony was going to focus on their hardcore fanbase with the PSMove...

Damn gimmicks....

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Zindagi Games’ 2013 PS4 Motion Game to Have Online Multiplayer, Job Suggests

We here at PSLS have been closely following Zindagi Games for a while, being the first to let you know that they had outed the PS4′s release date for 2013 and that they were working on a next gen motion title. - PSLS

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TrendyGamers4027d ago

Sports Champions 3 is a good bet.

sinncross4025d ago

I hope they add Sony character items for custimization of your character.

Like wearing Drakes shirt, or having ratchets boots etc

decimalator4027d ago

I can finally reach out and punch someone on the Internet.

Angeljuice4026d ago

Yes, I just want a boxing game over the net....2 player co-op could have your friend as your coach, repairing damage between rounds and giving advice.


2013 PS4 Release Date Hinted at in Zindagi Job Listing

Sony 2nd party developer Zindagi Games has inadvertently suggested that the PS4 will be out in 2013. - PSLS

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Relientk774310d ago

I hope so. I cannot wait for the PS4

Derekvinyard134310d ago

it would not be smart for sony to put a price tag above 400 imo.

jimbobwahey4310d ago

I'd be willing to pay extra for a premium version of the console that included backwards compatibility with PS3 games (since they'd need to stick a Cell processor in there which would drive costs up).

If the PS4 launches however and there are no options for backwards compatibility, chances are very high that I'll just stick with my PS3 and wait for the inevitable price drop in a year or two.

MoreRPG4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

People pay 500+ for an iPad so I don't see the price being much of a big deal.

I wonder what kind of motion control, if any, the ps4 will have?
Anyway I still think having the 720p and ps4 releasing on the same year is a bad idea.

@jimbobwahey backwards compatibility is a must

BitbyDeath4309d ago

I'd happily pay $1000 again

SlavisH24310d ago

I got a feeling that the ps4 may come out before the the next xbox. I guess will have to play the waiting game....:P

Foolsjoker4310d ago

Darn, time to start looking for that 2nd job again...

Reverent4310d ago

I know right? I JUST bought a new PS3 for my room too.

doctorstrange4310d ago

I'll get both, but it'd be great if they came out pretty close together to not give one too much of an advantage.

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PS4 Move Controller Hinted At in Sony 2nd Party Job Listing

PSLS have uncovered a job listing from a 2nd Party Sony developer for the next PS console – who has exclusively created Move-only games and worked on Move R&D. Will the PS4 sport motion controls?

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dbjj120884476d ago

Probably even better Frisbee simulation.

doctorstrange4476d ago

If you don't catch it, it hits you in the face.

Sev4475d ago

I just threw my Move directly into the trash. It's worthless. Waste of money bullshit.

GribbleGrunger4475d ago

mark my words, if the PS4 has a MOVE controller it won't be in the form we see now, it will be a duelshock controller that splits in two

Abash4475d ago

"I just threw my Move directly into the trash. It's worthless. Waste of money bullshit."

Geez you want to wait before Sorcery and Dathura release before saying that?

doctorstrange4475d ago

But it's 5-6 hours long, which doesn't fill me with too much hope

Sev4475d ago

I've played them both.

GribbleGrunger4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

Journey is 2 hours long and that game fills me with more hope than any other game i've ever played

@Sev. that's really unprofessional of you. you say that you threw your MOVE in the bin because it's useless and then state you've played both Sorcery and Dathura... you might as well just come out and say that both are rubbish and that we shouldn't buy them. NDAs are there for a reason.

TheFirstClassic4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

@Sev These kind of comments seem kind of unusual for you. They're blunt and you don't mention anything to back up your statements. Did you really not like sorcery and Dathura? Why not? And I'm guessing you didn't actually throw the move away...that would be a waste of money, very dumb.

Sev4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

You're putting words into my mouth. I never said anything specifically about either game. I loved Datura. The Move itself isn't crap, the support is.

And I'm not reviewing anything. Nor am I under any sort of NDA. They're not completed projects so I can't speak of the final product. But two games, even if they're good, aren't enough for me to be happy about the state of the Move.

If you're happy with the current Move games, awesome for you. I am not, and no two games are going to fix this mess.

The part that pisses me off the most, is how advanced the Move itself is. I can't fathom how devs keep fucking it up.. I've seen tech demonstrations from Anton with more promise.

And no, I didn't actually throw it away, I have games to review. But I might as well have considering how few games are released for it. Even less if you only count GOOD games. Nothing good has been out since launch. Tacked on support doesn't count. Check my review of Start the Party! Save the World, and then ask me again why im bitter. Simply put, I expected better, and know the Move is capable of better things than what is on the market.

I can't say anything specific about Sorcery and Datura because they aren't finished. That's like critiquing and unfinished painting, movie, or song, or even saying I didn't enjoy my food before its done cooking.

TheFirstClassic4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

@Sev that's better, and you do have a point. I expected a lot more out of move than what we got. Games like sorcery and Dathura should have already come out, there needs to be more games that are biult for move from the ground up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4475d ago
metsgaming4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

Why? There isnt even good support for the original. Yea they can improve it but its pointless if they dont make games that take advantage of it. Support the one you already have then think about making a newer version.

Zindagi did a great job with sports champions and really are the only ones who have used the move correctly they need more people to use it right ! BTW please make SC2 or something that isnt on rails.

doctorstrange4475d ago

Cause it'll be at the start of the lifecycle it'll be better supported. But yeah, can't say I like how Sony handled the Move.

Lifewish4475d ago

Agreed.. Let's see them actually support something.

MrBeatdown4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

Despite the misleading headline, the job listing doesn't make any reference to a new Move. My guess is Sony will just support the Move controller we have now on PS4. There is no reason it wouldn't be compatible.

MrBeatdown4475d ago

*Looks at disagrees*

Well, that's three people that didn't read the job description.

It says nothing about developing for a new Move controller, only the existing one and a next-gen console.

KING854475d ago

I'd like to see a star wars game utilizing the move. This would be a great way to demonstrate the peripheral's capabilities.

VenomCarnage894475d ago

If its boxed in with the PS4, along with a standard controller, then I'll give it a try. Other than that, not going out of my way for a motion controller.

VanillaBear4475d ago (Edited 4475d ago )

Come on Sony, lets cut the gimmicks now

You guys should focus on the PS4, not motion controls

It's like when MS say they want to add Kinect "2" into the next Xbox....why.......it's over, yes the casual crowd was a nice ride but it's come to an end. Lets all focus on the main audience here, the people who actually are gamers.

If it's boxed with it, same goes for Kinect 2, why make people pay for gimmicks that they don't want

stormeagle64475d ago

It's pretty much become a staple now, you're not going to see the motion controller disappear-no matter how little developer support it gets.

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