
What is DotA - A Brief History

Dota, Defence of the Ancients, is the latest hype in gaming. Initially developed as a modified game in Starcraft, the concept has now grown globally and has even made its way into professional competitions. Popular game titles that have implemented the "DotA" concept include Warcraft 3, DotA Allstars, DemiGod, League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and Realm of the Titans. Two more upcoming titles that will certainly get the gaming world's attention are DotA 2 and Blizzard DotA

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League of Legends may get a huge Dota 2 style update

Following the Dota 2 update that increased the size of the map by 40%, I asked League of Legends EP Jeremy Lee if we can expect similar things for LoL.

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Outlanders Update for Dota 2 Arriving Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 25th of November, the new major update for Dota 2 will be arriving for everyone to enjoy. With it comes the new heroes Snapfire and Void Spirit.


Dota Underlords Review

Valve has recently launched its standalone Auto Chess game, so we’re asking the important question, is Dota Underlords any good? Here is a review of the standalone version of the game.

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