
Is It Worth Playing? DC Universe Online

Leviathyn.com | DCUO has been out for over a year now. With Brainiac's event coming to a close and three DLC expansions out, is the superhero MMO worth your time and bandwidth for a download?

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Soldierone4468d ago

Its free....lol. What GAMER would pass up a free game? If it was a casual trash game on your phones market I can understand.....but this?

SilentNegotiator4468d ago

It's too boring to even play for free. It's tedious and too difficult for all the wrong reasons. An utter waste of the DC franchise.

Soldierone4468d ago

Neither disagree or agree, but the thing is at least you tried it.

My point is, if its good or not, you shouldn't just go by other people's opinions....its FREE, try it yourself and make your own judgement. As you did.


Worth playing?,I would say yes.
Worth paying?,not even close.For an 'MMO' the content is sorely lacking and the entire experience comes off as unfinished and without any real vision or passion.After one night of free it becomes obvious that free is all it really is.
Character money,inventory,chat,DLC is limited on free but unless you plan on grinding through the Tier 2 alerts,free is recommended.Once you do the T2's, a raid or two.....you do more T2's, another raid or two.......sigh.
I am disappointed and surprised.4/10

Hicken4468d ago

Yeah... sounds like you haven't played in a while, and didn't play much, even then.

To each his own, though.

theeg4468d ago (Edited 4468d ago )

played better flash games, literally,

glad i waited till it was free on steam

games like lord of the rings online, D and D Online, Champions Online and age of conan make this game look like pre-pre alpha testing material that still needs YEARS of development time,

and then there's the ps3 version, from the small time I played, and the hour or so i watched a friend play the ps3 version since the free to play, it is much, much worse than the pc version, graphically, performance wise and update/content wise.

do yourself a favor, don't waste your time dl'ing this one, wish i hadn't

Neko_Mega4468d ago

Going by Sony's report of over 10 million people playing it, I say it is worth it.

fei-hung4468d ago

Ive never played an mmo in my life and when this game went free i gave it a shot. Not sure if its because im new to the genre but i got hooked. Just playing as 1 character, i put in over 60hours within a space of 2 weeks. Ive not done that before in any game!

Yes, after a certain amount of playtime, it does kind of force u to pay for it due to cash limitations (you cant buy the top end super cool gear), but if u have invested that much time into it, it would mean you have enjoyed it, then why not pay for the upgrade!

After 2 weeks i ended up buying the 6 month subscription. Do i think its worth it? Well it cost £50 and ive got over 100 hours of gameplay out of it and its only been 2 months since i got the subscription.

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