
Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure Review (GodisaGeek)

GodisaGeek: "Not that long ago, the wonderful Kinect Disneyland Adventures was released, bringing Disney characters to life with an unprecedented level of interaction that could only be bettered by spending huge amounts of money and going to visit Disneyland itself.

However, animation has moved on and whilst people like myself may remember Mickey Mouse and Co. as fondly as ever, the kids today are all about Disney Pixar, so along come Asobo Studio to try and create a Pixar adventure all of their own."

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mcstorm4569d ago

That was a good review and I think ill pick this game up for when my little sister comes round to stay over as she loves Pixar movies and this sounds just like the type of game she would be into. I know people keep going on about Kinect is not for the Core but TBH that's fine by me as I love my 360 core games Gears, BF3, Halo CEA forza 4 ect but it is nice to play games like Kinect sports 1 n 2 Dance central 2 ect with the family when they come round as this is the one thing that was missing from the 360 imo. I also think this game at £30 is well priced too.

Shadonic4568d ago

played the demo graphics were good and it worked pretty well i couldent scan myself in though because my lighting sucks.

GodisaGeek4564d ago

The scanning was possibly the best we've seen in a Kinect game, though of course - as you say - lighting is a big aspect to take into consideration.


Xbox Game Pass Adds Hitman Season 1, Ruiner, Ryse: Son of Rome, and More In August

Xbox Game Pass members, get ready for action as a variety of new titles for gamers of all ages are on their way. Starting today journey to the ancient Roman Empire with Ryse: Son of Rome; stop a cyberpunk conspiracy in Ruiner; fight two distinct flavors of zombie from the gory hordes in Dead Rising 2 to the 8-bit walkers in The Escapists: The Walking Dead; take an assassination contract in Hitman: Season 1, or leap into metroidvania-style action in Dandara.

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DerekTweed2243d ago

I just bought Ryse: Son f Rome last week.

lxeasy2243d ago

I can't wait to play through Hitman! I played the free Xbox trial they had last year and I really enjoyed it.

conanlifts2243d ago

It was much better than I expected and left me wanting a sequel.

gamer78042243d ago

its really a great game, despite being a launch title.

Switch4One2243d ago

Wow. Honestly Game Pass is unrivaled as a pro consumer service on console. I almost bought all the Hitman episodes and now I don't have to.

lxeasy2242d ago

Yeah I've been tempted to get it a couple times. Glad Hitman is on Game Pass now. Xbox seriously got a home run got a home run with game pass!

GamesMaster19822243d ago

Microsoft need to add more game pass games to the PC side of gamespass.

DaDrunkenJester2243d ago

You guys already don't have to pay for XBL! Let console owners have at least a little perk! haha

Profchaos2243d ago

I have game pass and play both console and pc it's a good thing to have choice it's really good to pick up and play gears 4 on any system for example

Profchaos2243d ago

Ohh I've always wanted to play ryse

SLiSH832243d ago

But cross play is bad #4thegamers according to Sony

gangsta_red2243d ago (Edited 2243d ago )

Wow!!! I came this close to purchasing Ruiner!

Will definitely try Hitman.

coolbeans2243d ago

Same. Ruiner and Dandara have had tempting sales before.

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WorthPlaying - Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure Review

Brian Dumlao: "When people look at the Disney name, they expect something that provides wholesome, fun experiences for the entire family. By extension, the same can be said for the Pixar name. Microsoft's Kinect for the Xbox 360 is seen as a family-friendly way for kids and parents to enjoy games that require more motion. Common sense would dictate that having them all together on a Kinect game would generate an exciting family-friendly game. Now that we have Kinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar Adventure, we see that the game is a solid endeavor that's too short."

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Impulse Gamer: Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure Review

Impulse Gamer: The latest Kinect game to land on the XBox 360 is Kinect Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure which stars some of the most memorable Pixar characters from Toy Story, Cars, The Incredibles, UP! and Ratatouille in this interactive game made for kids.

Best of all, with the Kinect technology, players can "scan" themselves into the game as they become one of the characters from these movies such as Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Incredible or that chubby kid from the film UP! as they engage in a variety of fun mini-games.

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