
Review: Deep Black: Reloaded (darkzero)

"I hope you like water because you'll be seeing a lot of it in Biart developed video game Deep Black: Reloaded. Biart is a Russian independent studio that seems to have a portfolio of games based in or around this important liquid. This is my first experience with the company and what better way to start than with a game that has a focus on swimming in water, a feature that is often disliked in videogames, and also not frequently seen in the global video game market as a selling point for a game."

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The Annual Disappointment of the Year Article 2012

Enough of talking about the best games of 2012, now lets disperse with the bile. Which games outright disappointed our staff members at This Is My Joystick in 2012?

Its time for the guys to explain for themselves…

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josephayal4284d ago

Mass Effect 3 and Dishonored for me

Baka-akaB4284d ago (Edited 4284d ago )

I dunno how could one be dissapointed in 007 legends ... the last good 007 game was goldeneye on n64 .... the rest ranged from mediocre to garbage and all coming from activision

And Max Payne 3 was too hard ? really , especially with the aim assists on easy and normal modes and the built in mechanics to regain health during slowmo ? I felt quite the opposite , and was surprised the game wasnt more challenging on hardest settings .


Worst PC games of 2012 (so far)

MyGaming's Jeremy Proome writes: "2012 has been a surprisingly good year in terms of game quality. While each year always has it’s big blockbusters that rack up the 90-and-above ratings, there always seems to be some yings to mix up those yangs."

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Sidewinder-4429d ago

Wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole

StayStatic4429d ago

Who the hell has a barge pole ?

Nocturne1474429d ago

Haha , never heard of those games either.

StayStatic4429d ago (Edited 4429d ago )

This is worse games 2012 not the best games 2012.

Nocturne1474428d ago

But Diablo 3 was not good game.


Review: Deep Black Reloaded (This Is My Joystick)

It seems to be the case that every other game is a shooter these days, and so it’s not surprising that every possible setting and premise has been exhausted. Almost. Going underwater is mostly uncharted territory for the genre, making Deep Black: Reloaded a pioneer in adventuring through the murky, unexplored depths.
Will it sink or swim?

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