
CryEngine 3 costs $1.2 million to license

According to a software company working on a commercial project with the CryEngine 3, the engine costs $1.2 million to license.

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NovusTerminus4515d ago


That seems really steep for the price...

ATi_Elite4515d ago

Your gonna make that back easily!

Sure a little tough for Indie studios but some of the mid and corporate level studios should have no problem paying up!

Also CryEngine 3 drastically cuts Dev time across multi-plat games so in turn more studios should use it for faster Development of games.

PSVITAlitysensor4514d ago

Yeah, its just 1.2 million. Not a big deal for global companies who will make billions from games running on CryEngine 3.

Grap4514d ago (Edited 4514d ago )

indie studios more important than big company.. most of the big studios use engine of their own creation.

neoandrew4514d ago (Edited 4514d ago )


Indie studios will use UDK or CRYENGINE 3 SDK, they are much cheaper.

morganfell4514d ago

This is the first place where Crytek fails. Draconian uniformity.

Mark Rein is the guy you really want to talk to at Epic for licensing U3. He sets the price of the license according to the size of the game you are building, your distribution methods, expected revenue, and he even considers other software taxing your budget and cuts fees where he can.

Simply one of the best guys in the industry. You get the same license and support, regardless of your project, but the price is adapted to your studio.

The second place Crytek fails is they have the worst support...ever. You will get assistance from other developers on the dev forum before someone from Crytek finally gets around to fielding your inquiry. They have no system of tracking requests. A request on the closed dev forum, restricted to licensees, can set for two weeks until you figure it out yourself or some other developer sees it and says, "Hey, this worked for us." Atrocious customer service.

On the other hand, Epic has the greatest team for handling issues I have ever seen. When something pops up it is assigned a tracker and then placed into the hopper with a specific person tracking and handling your problem. It gets fixed.

Gaming1014514d ago

To know whether this is actually steep just for the license, you would have to compare it with other licensing fees ie. Frostbite 2, Unreal 3 etc.

kaveti66164514d ago

"Mark Rein is the guy you really want to talk to at Epic for licensing U3. He sets the price of the license according to the size of the game you are building, your distribution methods, expected revenue, and he even considers other software taxing your budget and cuts fees where he can."

I didn't know that.

I thought it was a flat 500k rate, which I think is exceptional considering how great flexible Unreal Engine 3 is. Cryengine 3 is phenomenal as well, but no indie developer really needs it or could afford it at that price.

BattleAxe4514d ago

I prefer the Phire Engine.

CoD5114513d ago (Edited 4513d ago )

Going back to some of the above posts, I'm fairly confident that the price is adjusted based on the studio and type of license purchased. Not sure how the Nexuiz guys would have afforded it if it was at a flat rate of $1.2m ;)


CoD5114513d ago

Going back to some of the above posts, I'm fairly confident that the price is adjusted based on the studio and type of license purchased. Not sure how the Nexuiz guys would have afforded it if it was at a flat rate of $1.2m ;)


dantesparda4513d ago


Whats the difference between a UDK or SDk or the 1.2million one? I never knew it worked like that. And big ups to Morganfell for explaining the way customer service works with these companies and actually making it clear to understand. I never knew that either, thanks

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4513d ago
Pokemon_Master4514d ago

Its very very expensive and should just show you how expensive next gen is going to be when only 2 devs are making games on consoles.

OhMyGandhi4514d ago (Edited 4514d ago )

that certainly is quite frightening to think about.

I have a feeling that new I.P's are going to be more and more of a risk as production values sky rocket.

Thank God for Xbox Live's indie crowd. Only costs 100 bucks to put a game on XBL using XNA. :)

vortis4514d ago

No, no, no.

Licensing fees for AAA engines are always high.

Epic uses the UDK for indie devs and there will be a UE4 version of the UDK after it releases so you can build high quality games without paying a dime.

There are also engines like Outerra and Unity which are also indie-dev friendly.

The price above is for commercial use from multi-billion dollar corporations. $1.2 for them is like penny and dime chump change.

Next-gen games SHOULD NOT have higher dev costs with all the cost-effective tools being released to cut down on both gameplay mechanics, infrastructure stability and asset management.

Pubs will no doubt use this kind of misinformation to get people to believe all game development is rising like a mofo and will charge you an arm and a leg because they can (sort of like what Capcom is doing brainwashing people into thinking disc-locked content had to be done otherwise they wouldn't make any money).

wicko4513d ago

It won't cost that much for an indie developer. Also 1.2mil is not realy expensive for an engine for a larger studio, and is in line with most engines (unreal 3 included)

tmoss7264514d ago

Unreal 3 costs a little less than that.

TacoTaru4514d ago

$1.2 Million probably covers the cost of 7-8 good software engineers for a years time. Considering that the alternative of do-it-yourself would also cost a bunch of testing time, the engine is definitely worth it.

Blaze9294513d ago

well looks like another gen of Unreal Engine games >_>

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4513d ago
Intentions4515d ago

Oh geeze... Wonder how much the Unreal engine cost then.

Pandamobile4515d ago

I think I heard somewhere around $300,000 for a commercial license.

vishant1014515d ago

that's why it was so prevalent this gen it was cheaper to license then other engines and still provided great graphics

Rearden4515d ago

Yes, it's cheaper, but you have to pay royalties to Epic if you use the UnrealEngine, you don't have to pay royalties if you use the CryEngine 3.

Pandamobile4515d ago

Pretty sure the royalties are for the free version of UE3. Both UE3 and CE3 have a free indie SDK that allows small companies to use the high end tools without having to fork out hundreds of thousands of dollars up front.

neoandrew4514d ago

Just BS man, SOURCE ?

There was some time ago a news, is was about 1 mln $ to license unreal engine.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4514d ago
Kakkoii4514d ago

No it's not. Just because you can download UDK and work with stuff in it, doesn't make it free. You can download CE3 for free as well and develop in it without paying.

What costs money is to be allowed to PUBLISH a game that has been made with it. You have to pay a licensing fee to EPIC, to use they engine in a commercial game, same goes with CE3.

Surfaced4515d ago

Yikes... now I understand why it hasn't been so popular outside of Crytek.

MySwordIsHeavenly4514d ago

I imagine it cost Crytek multi-millions to make it.

4514d ago
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Crytek Gives Brief Update on New Crysis Game; Studio Has a "Great Team" Working on It

Crytek gives an update on their new Crysis game, confirming that it's still in development, with more to share down the road.

DefenderOfDoom2236d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb236d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101235d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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Crytek Sends Cease and Desist To A Popular Photo Mode Modder Frans Bouma

Immersed Gamer writes: "Frans Bouma just received a Cease and Desist letter from Crytek, developers of Crysis. Did he pirate their game? Or maybe he infringed on their copyright? What horrible thing did Bouma do to deserve this? Well, he modded in a photo mode so that people could take beautiful pictures and share them on social media."

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annoyedgamer925d ago

Open source the code and dump it on the internet.

mastershredder925d ago

"from his Patreon page" Uhhhh yeah.......Oh gee and I wonder why that was problem? You know where this goes there Filip or perhaps you are just not quite yet.

Mazgamer925d ago (Edited 925d ago )

It's astounding how quickly someone uniformed will take a side of soulless company just because a modder might be making some pocket change.

For your information: He puts all of his camera mode mods on GitHub, completely free of charge. His Patreon is nothing more than a way to tip him some cash for his work.

He says so himself on his GitHub page:
I do this for fun, not profit, but can't create cameras for games I don't own. I've therefore setup a Patreon page which allows you to safely support my work".

Are you following "mastershredder", or are you not quite there yet?

Giblet_Head925d ago

I did some digging and from what I can see it's probably the "early access" releases of his mods only through Patreon that may have stirred Crytek to send the C&D. Apart from that his mods are indeed available free of charge through his GitHub page.

CobraKai925d ago

It’s a non-profit mod tho. It confuses me cuz modders can do things like completely overhaul the art assets of a game or add licensed cars, but adding a photo mode seems to get the cease.

Orchard925d ago

I guess they want to be the next T2/Rockstar...

Fishy Fingers925d ago

Rarely do you see something with so much potential (Crytek) shoot themselves in the foot so many times.

BlackIceJoe925d ago

Instead of sending a C&D Crytek should thank him, for this, because this will lead to more people buying and playing the game.

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