
Gamer Euphoria: Defenders Of Ardania Review (Xbox 360/PS3)

Gamer Euphoria staff member David writes:

'The premise for Defenders Of Ardania isn’t original. You’re the King and your castle is attacked by Sir Foxwalde so you, and your advisor (who sounds slightly like Sean Connery), decide to pay him a totally peaceful visit to see why he attacked. Okay, the totally peaceful thing might me a bit of a lie. What you’ll actually be doing is fighting your way through various maps in order to reach the attackers castle and along the way you will run into the undead, a few renegade wizards and even some strangely organised animals.'

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Mod of the Week: Defenders of Ardania

VRFocus - There has been a lot of talk about bringing strategy videogames to virtual reality (VR) lately, and whether the genre could really work with head-mounted displays (HMDs) like the Oculus Rift or Project Morpheus. Of course, building an empire through in-direct commands and menu systems is not the first thing that springs to mind with thinking about ‘VR’, but as videogame enthusiasts there’s always room to experiment. Which is exactly what VRFocus did for this week’s edition of Mod of the Week.


Defenders of Ardania Review | GES

A Tower defence game set in a fantasy world where Evil is planning to take over, you will travel to different locations to acquire an army to take on the Evil that lurks around the corner.

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Defenders of Ardania | Parable

It’s safe to say that Swedish gaming giants Paradox Interactive have a very extensive and (mostly) well-received history in the PC market. Usually focusing on more niche audiences, Paradox has made successful games in the past by simply fusing the mechanics of two similar genres to create a fresh gameplay experience, a formula they follow with their newest release, Defenders of Ardania.

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