
First Gundam Battle Operation scans

Take a look at the first scans of Gundam Battle Operation for PS3.

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tarbis4479d ago

I'm freaking excited for this game. =D


Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation Impressions | STFUandPlay

Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation is a free-to-play multiplayer team action game for the Playstation 3 that’s developed and published by Namco Bandai Games and was released in Japan on June 28, 2012 via download from the Japanese Playstation Network. The whole game is in Japanese and there is no way to change it to any other language, so it might take some time to understand exactly what is going on even at the menu screen.

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miyamoto4339d ago

The reason I got a PS3: tons of Japanese games like this! And its free :D


Kotaku: New Gundam Game is Fun and Free-to-Play (…For Only 30 Minutes a Day)

Kotaku: "Set during the original Gundam series, this multiplayer third-person shooter reenacts some of the biggest battles in the One Year War, with six people siding with the Earth Federation and six with Zeon. But is this first step into the world of free-to-play gaming a worthwhile one or is Gundam Battle Operation just another example of 'you get what you pay for.'"

killerhog4354d ago

For 30 mins a day you can look at it.

Anyways, the Japanese always seem to get it wrong. This is a method devs use on the Idevices to force people to buy "energy packs" or the "full game" to continue playing. I stay away from games like this because it relies heavily on making people buy items. I miss the actual "free-to-play" games, where if I choose to I can play an entire game without *purchasing* anything. I know free-to-play is suppose to be the "new thing" but greedy devs are killing it.


Quick Look:- Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation

newbreview.com takes a quick look at Namco's PS3 exclusive title Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation.

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