
Miner Wars 2081 promises to be a combination between Descent, Elite/Freespace & Red Faction

DSOGaming writes: "Keen Software House announced today their outcomes of GDC 2012 in San Francisco. According to the developers, about 98% of visitors had never heard of Miner Wars before and it seems that everyone loves the idea of Descent + Elite/Freespace + Red Faction combined with a fully destructible environment. In fact, Miner Wars 2081 seems to be the only game in the world with a fully destructible environment as no other comparable game utilizes this feature to such an extent."

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Bathyj4576d ago

Hands up who remembers Decent? A truly 3D shooter.

Man, you could get so disorientated at times.


Miner Wars 2081 Review | CheatMasters

While Miner Wars 2081 sits on what could potentially be a good in-game universe that gamers can definitely get behind, the lack of variety in gameplay makes it fall quite short from being decidedly worthy enough title for those who may be into this type of gameplay.

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Miner Wars 2081 Review - "A Mess of a Game" [CW Games]

Daav plays Miner Wars 2081 for CW Games. While ambitious and filled with great ideas in theory, none of them pair up in execution and further hinder the game to an almost unplayable or pointless state.

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Miner Wars 2081 Gets First Major Update; Adds Offline Single-Player Support

DSOGaming writes: "Keen Software has released the first major patch for its 6DOF (six degrees of freedom) action-survival space-shooter simulation-game, Miner Wars 2081."

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