
Do you have the easiest of the Top 10 Platinum trophies yet?

Here’s where we come in handy. Since I myself have 9/10 of these platinum trophies (not a RE5 fan, sorry), I can tell you firsthand which ones are easier to get than others.

Here’s the good thing: all these games are relatively easy to “plat.” And should you choose to task yourself with getting one of these platinums, you won’t be disappointed because like previously stated, these games together form an aggregate review score of 89 (using Metacritic ratings).

admiralvic4446d ago (Edited 4446d ago )

I don't know whats so surprising...

Bodycount is an EXTREMELY easy platinum, but still trophy trackers list fewer than 2,000 gamers who've even played it. It stands to logic that a game like Uncharted which sold 1,000,000+ would have more platinums than that game most likely even had sales. Furthermore, the better the game, the more you play it and so more likely you're to platinum it by default.

Finally I would LIKE to point out that Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2, Infamous, Uncharted, and Borderlands all have trophy hacks available.

smoothdude4446d ago

Toy Story 3. Easy game + collecting stuff =. Easy plat

admiralvic4445d ago

I dont see why you're replying to me with just some random easy game...

banjadude4445d ago

Toy Story 3 was great, but collecting ALL those stcikers, wall paints, etc was a MAJOR PAIN. Took me 1 week to find all the ones I was missing, since it's difficult to verify which ones I had/didn't have with the online guide I eventually had to use.

GameSpawn4445d ago (Edited 4445d ago )

Their List:
1. Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (The Sly Collection)
2. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
3. God of War (GoW HD Collection)
4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
5. Assassin’s Creed II
6. Resident Evil 5
7. God of War 3
8. inFamous
9. Borderlands
10. Modern Warfare 2

WTF! Just cause there are more people with a Platinum in specific games doesn't mean they're easy to Platinum.

Difficulty is always subjective and dependent on each individual. Yes you could generalize games' difficulties based on the "average" gamer, but you must first define what the "average" gamer is.

My opinion part: (Will differ for others)

I'll admit I have 3 plats out of that list (Sly, ACII, and inFamous), but ACII and inFamous both had trophies that required a bit of luck and were just a bit frustrating. Anyone who has played inFamous would know that getting every stunt in the game comes down to PURE luck on about 2-3 stunts. Also for ACII, the Sandman and Sweeper trophies require a bit of luck in timing and quite a bit of skill.

As for Uncharted 1&2 and GoW3, Crushing and Titan difficulties (respectively) are no walk in the park and WILL result in many a broken controller. I have yet to plat these three.

As for the rest of the games, I don't have them and have no interest in having them, but I imagine they all have at least one trophy that everyone would agree is a B**** and requires either a lot of luck, skill, or a mix of both.

I think there is a much better list out there of easier platinums that is not based solely on how many people have actually platinumed the game. Like, admiralvic stated if a game has sold in the millions, there is a higher likelihood that lots of people will platinum that game.

I think a better way of looking at it is (Total Platinums for an individual title) / (Total amount of people who even have 1 trophy for said game). This means that a game that has sold in the millions, but only had 20% of those who played it get a platinum would on average be harder than a game that sold half as much but had a much higher percentage of people with platinum.

Pushagree4445d ago

How the hell is GOW3 an easy platinum? Titan mode and those random challenges are for the truly masochistic. Makes Demo;s Souls seem like a cakewalk.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4445d ago
CarlitoBrigante4446d ago

I have 9/10 of those platinum too except for Borderlands.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4446d ago

I gots Infamous on that list. That is all.

kneon4446d ago

I don't agree with the ordering of that list. Infamous and AC2 were easier to platinum that either of the Uncharted games. And the GOW collection was harder than either UC games.

torchic4445d ago

like he said he took about time into consideration. You can get the God of War III plat in one playthrough + Challange of Olympus. Infamous takes minimum 2 playthroughs + lots of side missions + shard finding.

ChipChipperson4446d ago

The Darkness 2. Seriously, two days to get it, but the game was fun as hell just ripping people in half with The Darkness.

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thorstein259d ago

Dogmeat: *bark!*

Translation: you are dead to me.


You can probably add Karlach to this from BG3


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dumahim273d ago

Thanks for the warning. I sure would have hated to have been surprised by installing a ubisoft game on accident.

Profchaos273d ago

Because you can't play all the games on every subscription already

KillBill272d ago

Valhalla is not on GamePass.

anast272d ago (Edited 272d ago )

I like Valhalla. The others haven't aged well.


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Chriswheeler22457d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87456d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight