
Gamers who customized their Shepard in Mass Effect 1 may have trouble importing into ME3

Gamesbeat has discovered that numerous gamers are reporting problems importing their personalized Shepards into Mass Effect 3. The error seems to affect those who have had the same Shepard since Mass Effect 1.

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Sadie21004586d ago

At first, I was like, "What's the big deal?" Then I thought about how weird it'd be if I couldn't use my old Shepard, and yeah...this kinda sucks. Probably a quick fix later, though, I imagine.

JeffGrubb4586d ago

Unfortunately, BioWare has been really quiet on this. That's typically not a good sign. Hopefully, they'll make a statement soon.

NukaCola4586d ago

Question for the community.

If I can import the Mass 2 character into Mass 3, can I change Shepard into a female and keep the story arch flowing? After playing the Mass 3 demo as a female and hearing what some of my friends told me..I really like the voice actor better. I think the female Shepard just flows and sounds better. I wonder if it would effect relationship issues and those hidden quests and events that pop up based on the character you built if I changed her.

acronkyoung4586d ago

Hopefully they fix it soon. Would suck for people to have to wait to play the game just so they can use their own Shep.

Tolkoto4586d ago

Having the same exact Shepard through all three games was always promoted as a major feature of the trilogy. I can't believe they would allow an issue like this to exist.

WitWolfy4586d ago

Plus we all know Bioware approve to custom character modifications. So why the sudden hiccup?

STONEY44585d ago

The problem is that ME2 introduced facecodes for custom character faces. ME1 didn't, so ME3 can't recognize the face without a facecode. All you have to do is recreate your face while importing to ME3 if you used a custom one from ME1. It's not hard, and it's really not a huge deal.

Kingdom Come4586d ago

When my Pre-Order copy arrives, I refuse to play the campaign until this issue is adressed. I'll tide myself over by playing the online component of the game. But if I can't play through Mass Effect 3 with the character that I started the adventure with on the release date of the original game, I'm going to have to wait for Bioware to release an update.

STONEY44585d ago (Edited 4585d ago )


This is not about save files, it's about custom ME1 faces. You can import your save file just fine. For the faces, there will be no fix, you have to recreate your face at the start of ME3 if it's an ME1 face, it's official from Bioware. If you use default-Shepard or recreated your face anyways in ME2, it isn't an issue at all.

STONEY44585d ago

Replying to myself here... But turns out it is going to be patched. To all of 1 people reading this.

green4586d ago

Not playing the campaign until they fix this.

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ApocalypseShadow487d ago

Good games but no Phantasy Star?

merlox486d ago

Why do people forget Phantasy Star? That is one of my favorite RPG series. Another ther good but overlooked series is ,Y's.

anast486d ago

ES3 set things off, it's a shame they got greedy and decided to cut corners so the executives could get huge pay days.