
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive loses cross-play

A lot can change in six months. As of last summer, Valve had planned to offer cross-play for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on the PC, Mac, and PS3. But based on what it's learned from the beta, Valve has decided to strip the functionality in favor of offering constant updates for players on the PC and Mac.

Majin-vegeta4526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

WTF no!!!!i wanted to play against pc players and get owned who cares about K/D :D.

@Sony i agree but it still would have been nice to have the option either way day one.

ATi_Elite4526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

I totally wanted to pwn consolers so bad that they committed samurai suicide but I understand and would rather have Valve's constant updates!

Team Fortress 2 receives constant updates and the game is totally awesome to play therefore Counter Strike GO will be just as awesome and the game has such a large and dedicated community that It's only right for Valve to keep focus on it.

SilentNegotiator4525d ago

Apparently, that wasn't an issue with the beta testing, because if balance was just absolutely horrible, they would have cut it for that reason first.

Sorry, elitists, but your fantasy obviously didn't play out here. Console players didn't get "totally pwnzered!!"

SonyNGP4526d ago

Does not affect me in the slightest.

LOL_WUT4526d ago

I have never played this game i just hope its better than socom 4.

camel_toad4526d ago

Haha counter-strike will always be on a much better level than socom. Socom is for people that never got to play counter-strike.

Jobesy4526d ago

What?!? CS and Socom couldn't be more different.

Ot, it's a shame, I wonder what brought about this decision.

mugoldeneagle034526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

I actually started on SOCOM, then went to CS then back to SOCOM before Combined Assault & Confrontation came out and pretty much ruined the series.

The two are too different, other than waiting out a round if your killed...Idk where that comparison came from.

As for no crossplay, that's a bummer man. I'll still pick up the game when it's released without question but that was definitely a main selling point for me

Also OP, almost anything is better than SOCOM 4. What a terrible entry into the series :(

BattleAxe4526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

Combined Assault didn't ruin the series. I honestly don't get why people like you feel that way. The gameplay was kept exactly the same, only they introduced larger maps, vehicles and 4 player co-op. The maps were still brilliantly designed, but just on a larger scale. Besides, don't tell me that you didn't like finding the secret sausage and hearing your character say "Mmmmm Spicy!". Confrontation ruined things with all of the technical issues and by changing the character movements. I hated the run button, and I just really felt like the game became too sluggish.

As far as comparing Counter-Strike goes, Its nowhere near as good as the Socom games on the PS2. I will give credit where it is due and say that it is one of the more tactical team based FPS games out there, but the maps are far more simplistic, and you have far fewer weapons to choose from. Also, Socom relied far more heavily on tactical gameplay than Counter-Strike ever did. CS is more of a corridor sniper camper shooter with simplistic maps.....but since Socom has really divebombed over the past couple of games, I'm actually looking forward to CS:GO despite the series weeknesses.

Veneno4526d ago

both CS and Socom are hardcore as Hell!

LOL_WUT4526d ago

I agree with you i was just saying i hope its better than socom 4. I don't know why i got all these disagrees..

Nozzle4526d ago

"Valve has decided to strip the functionality in favor of offering constant updates for players on the PC and Mac."

What about the PS3 version the....if you can't do cross platform online then surley because of steamworks they can update the PS3 version aswell.

Valve please don't announce things then find out you can't go through with them.......just like the whole L4D/L4D2 thing

fluffydelusions4526d ago (Edited 4526d ago )

Maybe because it's 40k per patch on PSN/XBL and CS/L4D etc gets patches nearly daily lol. Valve would be broke...

NiKK_4194525d ago

Yeah, but I don't think it costs to patch with an in-game option. So that's one thing they could do... Maybe, I'm not really sure about all that.

Looks like I might have to buy the PS3 and PC version. Wanted to play with PSN friends.

OC_MurphysLaw4526d ago

Interesting... So the question to ask, is this really an issue of "functionality" and ease of implementation? Or... given the rumors around Valve making some kind of play for a PC "console" is this Valve pulling back the reigns and trying to position their games to be best on their system for when it launches in the future? Conspiracy? ;-)

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CS:GO fans now frantically dusting off their Xbox 360s as servers are still online

One of the only ways to play CS:GO on official servers is via the Xbox 360 version of the game.

Read Full Story >>
mandf301d ago

4 or 5 players in a game is not players frantically dusting it off

Jin_Sakai301d ago

We all know that videogamer.com went to each and every Xbox 360 owners house to watch them frantically dust off their 360s.

Vits301d ago

I mean it is a 1000% growth in the player-base. /s

mandf301d ago

Enough to write an article though. N4g new owners are insulting us for click revenue

Vits301d ago


Nothing to do with new owners. N4G has always been the trashcan for game news and discussion.

northpaws301d ago

I love video games so much that I never have the time to replay the old one that I have finished, my backlog has only gotten bigger and bigger. I don't get how some people can play one game for years (except for mmorpg)

mandf301d ago

It's an exaggeration to the extreme. A way making an exclusive seen grander than it is.

Profchaos301d ago

Some people do I know someone who only ever plays dune 2000 which is rarely but still

RedDevils300d ago

Those Fifa or COD players do that every years.

Inverno301d ago

Wonder why they've never ported this game over to last Gen and now current Gen. This game would be pretty popular right now, I think.


Players Spent Over $100 Million On CS:GO Cases Last Month, A New Record

About 39.5 million loot boxes were opened throughout March 2023, right after Valve announced Counter-Strike 2. It goes without saying that gamers love gambling, especially those who play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

479d ago Replies(1)
478d ago Replies(2)
OhReginald478d ago

I have about 260 hours on csgo and have not spent a single penny on any of the microtransactions. You can still enjoy it since it's not pay to win.

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‘Counter-Strike 2’ Release Date Nears As Devs Test Source 2

The rumours are heating up and it looks like Counter-Strike 2, the move onto the Source 2 engine for CS:GO, is coming very soon based on testing files found on Steam.

Number1TailzFan500d ago

S&box devs already have access to Source 2 and have done for a while.

DOTA 2 was Source 2 but hardly anyone noticed/cared because it wasn't one of the Valve games most wanted. L4D3 was scrapped because Source 2 wasn't ready and buggy.

Half Life Alyx has been the only official Source 2 game that people notice so far.. The engine still looks pretty good graphically, but it looked far more impressive back in 2014 when the leaked plantation level that was rebuilt on Source 2 (for L4D2) was shown. Too bad it took this long for Valve to do anything with the engine.. with all the money they have I have to wonder what happened. Even a smaller dev studio could've produced stuff within a couple of years.

Richhard1498d ago

Not sure why this hyped tbh, it’s only in updated engine. Same maps, same game. So long as it’s top of steam listings, it’ll be here for evermore.