
SSX Review - TheJoyPads

"SSX does have its old vibes, but with the introduction of new characters, locations and content. SSX is new and keeps it integrity intact and being original. I will admit, I did have my fears at first. The whole idea of SSX was that arcade, over the top, snowboarding racing with great shortcuts. The demo easily settled my nerves and the full game capitalizes on what the made the franchise such a hit."

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TheShow174481d ago

I believe he's right, this is the best snowboarding game out today. There are so many different runs, the graffics are great and the gameplay is extremely fluid. I love that you can race and to trick attack on the deadly descent courses. That's when it gets insane!

It's hard, but that adds to the replay value. The online isn't great (you play against ghosts of other players), so don't expect much out of that portion.

ElementX4481d ago

I've never played an SSX until this game. I'm having tons of fun with it and my friends enjoy it also.


Ranking The SSX Games From Worst To Best

The SSX series is one of the most iconic sports franchises in gaming history, but which one of the games is the best?

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Gaming4Life19811026d ago

All of them are great put ssx 3 was my favorite. We definitely need another ssx asap


These 5 Arcadey Sports Games Really Need a Comeback

Chris writes:

"Arcade sports games are among the most compelling you can play, but many of the best have fallen by the wayside. Here's a bunch that should make a comeback."

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ZachAStevens1770d ago

Dear nintendo,

Please give me mario strikers again. I will do anything for it.



E3 2018: 6 EA Games We'd Love To See Revived

Cultured Vultures: This list of what we'd love to see from EA at E3 2018 is a bit more "hopeful" than most, but stick with it.

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sreevenkat2209d ago

dantes inferno sequel please....

oasdada2209d ago

Dead slace please.. Then again no i don't want a GAAS deadspace... Please sell thsi ip to sonyand we'll see wonders!!!