
Weekly Top 10 PC Charts; UK PC Retail and Steam Digital Charts [February 26th - March 2nd]

DSOGaming writes: "And although the UK PC Retail Charts remained the same, we can easily notice a lot of changes in the Steam PC Digital Charts. Saints Row: The Third is at the first place, followed by Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and Skyrim."

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age

EA is nearing an agreement to move the ongoing development and operation of MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic from BioWare to third-party studio Broadsword Online Games, IGN has learned. The move is intended to allow BioWare to focus on Mass Effect and Dragon Age.


Games with Best Character Creation Systems

GF365: "We all love experimenting with character creation to make unique protagonists. These are the games with the best character creation systems."

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IamTylerDurden1515d ago (Edited 515d ago )

Slightly disappointing game but Wo Long had a good creator. I was impressed by Oblivion back in what 05, 06? But the worst i have ever seen, clearly, Valheim.

ModsDoBetter514d ago

What was up with Wo Long?

Not looked at any reviews and did download it on my Xbox before I sold the console but never got around to playing it. Saw it drop in price on PS5 and was thinking of picking it up.

RE: Character creation

Oblivion hold a special place for me, when it came out on PS3, it was the first game of its kind that I had played and the character creator took was amazing.

I do like Monster Hunter: World & FFXIV, personally.
Cyberpunk did good in that department, despite its numerous flaws.

IamTylerDurden1514d ago

I played Oblivion day 1 on 360 and was impressed with the creator. Damn near 20 yrs ago, it was impressive at the time. Special game, unfortunately 90% of current gamers on social media have not a clue about the older stuff. Elder Scrolls is just Skyrim to many. They know not of Gothic and the old guard that paved the way. Flimsy ass rhetoric and recycled opinions about the same bs is what garners attention. Meme culture. Insight and intellect hold no place on the current day internet. Fuck likes, follows, BS. I say what i believe is relevant, what i'm interested in, and following means fuck all bc i don't respect 99% of the ppl online anyway.

For the "TLDR" bs. I'ma not space it out on purpose. Fuck you very much folks.

isarai514d ago (Edited 514d ago )

Honestly the one I remember being easiest and flexible enough to make any character I imagined was the PS2 WWE games, and Saints Row 2. I did really enjoy Dragons dogmas character creation too

IamTylerDurden1514d ago (Edited 514d ago )

I was gonna mention Black Desert but the game is horrible so...

Creator was the best part.

bunt-custardly514d ago

Lol CP 2077 is one of the easiest and less detailed editors around. It's all a mish-mash of presets.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Still Receiving Updates 11 Years Into Release

A new update for Star Wars: The Old Republic is coming out on PC and the patch notes provide us with an in-depth look at all the new changes.

PapaBop545d ago

I loved this game and have played since launch but don't let this article fool you, this game is a step above life support. While they are still technically updating the game, the updates are few and far between and there is a significant lack of quality control, so many little bugs that have been present for years.

TheColbertinator545d ago

The updates felt flimsy to me also. Stopped playing in 2021.

Andrew336545d ago

This game got a huge update last year didn't it with more content?

PapaBop545d ago

They promoted it as an expansion yet offered like 3-4 hours of content. The game is amazing and easily one of the best Star Wars games ever made but content drops are so few and far between.