
Ram Racing Wii review by Gamer's Intuition

Storm City's Ram Racing is a hard game to judge. On the one hand, it's a nostalgic trip down memory lane, bringing back memories of Test Drive Off Road or Cruis'n USA with its incredibly simplistic setup and budget price. On the other, it's a game with outdated graphics and too little in the way of content.

Ram Racing offers just seven tournaments, spread across six individual tracks. The tracks themselves are themed, with one taking place across Egypt and another dropping you deep into a tropical jungle, as two examples. To say this is a limited selection is an understatement, even when compared to other arcade racers. Adding only slightly to the variety, you'll be able to play tracks backwards, but the design of the tracks themselves leaves a lot to be desired. That is, a track may either have too many sharp corners or narrow alleys, causing unnecessary frustration as you slam into invisible barriers, or it can be far too wide, straight and even boring.

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PixlBit Presents: Sh*tty Game Review Fest 2014

PixlBit | "Sometimes it's necessary in life to shake things up. The fact is, the PixlBit writers seem to have it too good, so Chessa and I (but mostly Chessa) concocted a little event for our own amusement. Rather than allow our writers to continue to cover the things they love, we've decided to force upon them the junk games that have been sitting around PixlBit HQ for ages.

yargz3813d ago

Hey guys, video went down temporarily as I was editing something out, here's the new video. Sorry about that!

BlackOni3813d ago

Yay s***y games!! It sucks when you have to review a terrible game, worst then, when you recognize it's bad, but start liking it, even if just a little. o_o


Gaming Unwrapped Reviews | Ram Racing

Gaming Unwrapped Writer Ryan "Rdawg" T Writes - "Before I go into anything, I must ask a simple question. Why do developers decide to make games that they know are going to be annoying? What is the point in developing a game that takes no skill, has no challenges, and will make the gamer break down laughing at just how horribly designed it is? I mean, I get it with games like Amy and Duke Nukem. At least they gave it a fair effort (Yes, that was at you Duke), but other games it is just sad. Ram Racing is one of these titles."

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