
Retro Corner: SSX Tricky

GodisaGeek: "Snowboarding games began to rise to prominence in the late 1990′s, as the sport started to enter the mainstream. Titles such as Cool Boarders and 1080 Snowboarding had enjoyed great success on the previous console generation, but the hardware limitations meant that the speed and adrenaline of a downhill race was never re-created in an entirely pleasing way that captured the adrenaline and occasion of a big racing meet.

In time for the launch of the PlayStation 2, the newly-christened EA Sports BIG studio put together the game SSX (short for Snowboard Super Cross). Being the launch title for a development label that would specialise in extreme sports or arcade versions of traditional ones, snowboarding was a good place to start. The title featured over-the-top jumps, special moves and bright, colourful courses, which made the game more visually exciting than a regular snowboard title may have been. The game was loved by critics, but unfortunately never sold very well. It failed to connect with the audience in a major way, and the game never fulfilled its potential."

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robbttf4495d ago

Looking forward to trying the new version now that it is out today!

4495d ago
dragon824494d ago

I still own Tricky for the Gamecube. I play it on my Wii from time to time. It's my favorite in the series.


The Video Game Soundtracks of Our Lives: The 2000s

It's an (SSX) tricky task to pick just ten video game soundtracks that defined the 2000s in gaming, but we did our best.

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Greatest Songs Used in Video Games

TBG looks at the use of popular songs in video games.

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iplay1up21854d ago

Grand Theft Auto 3, ran their entire advertising campaign, with Flock of Seagulls I Ran! Great song, for a great game.

NecrumOddBoy1854d ago (Edited 1854d ago )

That was Vice City and Welcome to the Jungle was for SA. I forget what 3 used.

psuedo1853d ago

GTA 3 ran the opera song for the commercials.

Oywee1852d ago (Edited 1852d ago )

GTA III, Thats a good one. "Rush, Rush" - Debbie Harry is still stuck on my mind after all these years. :)

LOGICWINS1853d ago

The Dead Sara Heart Shaped Box cover sounds better than the Nirvana original IMO. Fit the tone of the game perfectly. Loved Second Son.

psuedo1853d ago

The article is for song made games btw guys. Silent Hill game songs, SimCity 4, Diablo 1 and 2, Tenchu, so many I missed don't know or dont remember.

theflamey1853d ago

No it's not but Silent Hill had great music

Fist4achin1853d ago

Bioshock with Beyond the Sea and Gears of War with Mad World were great advertisments with music meshing. Also great games...


Steep: How Will It Measure Up To SSX?

"If you’re a fan of a good snowboarding game, then no doubt you will be intrigued by Ubisoft’s new release Steep which is out next month. This is the first snow sports game to be released by the developers, so you’ll want to know what to expect. Previously, game developers EA were churning out snowboard titles in a typical fun arcade style with the popular title SSX. So how will Steep measure up to the well-loved play style of SSX?"

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Forn2762d ago

It won't measure up. There's almost nothing that I want more than a new SSX that mixes the best of every game in the series. SSX is a legendary franchise to me that I continuously go back to and play still to this day.

Fishy Fingers2762d ago

Sounds like you've already made your mind up. Having not played it yet your fondness for SSX might cloud your judgement so while it may not be everything you want (although it's unlikely a new SSX would either) it's the only choice you've (we've) got so here's hoping it delivers.

rdgneoz32762d ago

Having tried the betas, all it's made me want to do is pop in SSX3 or Tricky. Played the hell out of those games with a friend of mine, and this game isn't even close in the fun department.

kraenk122761d ago

It's very different to SSX and great fun with friends.

2762d ago
Chaos_Order2761d ago

SSX Tricky and SSX3 weren't just great sports games. They were defining experiences of the PS2 era and two of the greatest games of all time. Hardcore or casual, sports fan or not, SSX is just plain fun for everyone. Impeccable level design, fantastic soundtracks, addictive gameplay, vibrant visuals, replayability...

Steep's chances of eclipsing that are extremely slim.

kraenk122761d ago

It's not fair to compare those games imho...it's a very different concept and style of game.

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