
Weekly Top 5: Video Game Voice Actresses

This week's Top 5 at the X Button is all about video game voice actresses - see who made the list.

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Voice actress Jennifer Hale reveals low pay for Metal Gear Solid role

In a recent episode of the podcast "My Perfectly Imperfect Voice Actor," Jennifer Hale opened up about her experience as a voice actress in the video game industry.

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351d ago Replies(1)
ApocalypseShadow351d ago

Check the contract before signing anything. Research the company and its revenue/profit when it comes to games. Learn about the developer/producer that was/is known to make hit games that sell and how much voice actors were paid for their services. If you want more, ask.

I'd bet the Mario voice actor made bank during his time as the character, probably read the contract with his lawyer and made money on appearances.

It is rather low for what the game made. But she accepted the offer. Nothing else to be said.

Gardenia350d ago (Edited 350d ago )

Those were different times. And like the article says, they didn't know Metal Gear Solid would become a huge success.

Even so, the voice acting in MGS1 is one of the best out there.

CrimsonWing69350d ago

But that was a time when dev costs and pay were low, especially with the game industry.

What was the average for salaries and wages back then?

Gabrielmpf350d ago

Kinda odd that you accept the offer and complain later that the pay was low. That's on you.

Profchaos350d ago

I can only think that if games take 5 years or more to develop or ten in some cases the money you signed up for is simply not worth at much by the end of the project.

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Tara Strong Slams AI Acting With a Very Personal Batman: Arkham City Story

Batman: Arkham City actor Tara Strong argues against AI acting by sharing the powerful emotions she experienced while playing Harley Quinn.

crazyCoconuts511d ago

"Can AI cry?"
Yes, yes it can. Train it with enough people actually crying and it'll imitate crying like the best of em

lodossrage511d ago

You know what's funny about all this, when people try to tell others that "tech can go too far" nobody listens and they say they're just fearmongering

But when it potentially puts their jobs and/or livelihood at risk, THEN they see the problem.


Best Leading Performance of 2022

VGChartz's Lee Mehr: "As the budgets get bigger and the scripts get taller, there’s greater demand to find the marquee talent for a story-driven title. When we split the lead & supporting performance categories for the 2021 awards, this was eminently clear with Halo: Infinite’s dual leads reaching the finale. While an indie title was able to make it onto last year’s list, 2022 is all about the heavy hitters. Everyone who made the shortlist starred in many of the most commercially and critically successful AAA games of the year."

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