
Why Call of Duty should go back to World War II

A few years ago many gamers cried foul over the surplus of World War II shooters and so, Call of Duty pushed forward. Gamers at the time had a right to complain about the World War II setting, but it may be time to stroll back down memory lane. A few reasons this avenue should be revisited are killstreaks, deathstreaks, weapons, and a new opportunity to revamp the story presentation of Call of Duty.

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NYC_Gamer4593d ago

I feel the killing nazi theme has been over used in video games.Its time we move on from that period and focus on other faught wars.

FragGen4592d ago (Edited 4592d ago )

+1. I think there's room for a WWII game here and there but I enjoy more modern (and even futuristic) scenarios even more. The variety of technology (guns, vehicles, explosives, gadgets, etc) in modern scenarios adds a very cool level of depth that I like to see in my shooters. Plus WWII has been done to death... it's time for it to be in the back seat.

ArchangelMike4593d ago

sure... next you'll be telling us why we should go back to using black and white TV sets.

PopRocks3594593d ago

The PS2 generation was plagued with WWII themed games on consoles and computers. It took us forever to get out of that trend. Why go back? Instead, ask for innovation.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4592d ago

Has seal team 6 ever been in a COD? Making a game about them would be cool.

Shackdaddy8364591d ago (Edited 4591d ago )

They were actually in the MW series I think...

MaverickStar74592d ago

The thing about WW2 games is that you are more confined by the era than modern games. You become more limited on weapons and themes unless you break out and go in a more fictional or alternate reality game. At that point is it a WW2 game or a game that just uses loose connections to WW2? Modern settings do not get old for me and you can expand upon the immediate past and immediate future.

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Ubisoft Has Already Recouped the Money it Spent on Activision Cloud Gaming Rights

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Activision Games May Feature NPCs That Use AI-Generated Audio Reactions For Realism

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Chocoburger33d ago

Have people forgotten that the 'A' in 'AI' stands for ARTIFICIAL? As in not real, as in the opposite of realism? AI-Generated content is the opposite of realism.


Did Call of Duty Steal YouTuber's Brendon Herrera Custom Gun Design?

Erina writes: "Brandon Herrera, a well-known YouTuber and firearm expert, has claimed that the creators of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III used his custom-designed firearm, the AK-50, in the season 5 of their latest game without his permission."

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anast41d ago

Probably, but this game is bankrupt in every way imaginable, so it's a non issue.

X-2341d ago

Most likely, they steal other ideas on a regular whether it be game modes, character concept designs etc and now they're likely going to start utilizing ai to put less work in for maximum profit.

Snookies1241d ago

Their AI probably stole it accidentally, and they just went with it lol.

Ra303040d ago

"Did Call of Duty Steal"
Is there anything Microsoft won't steal for a buck.....anything?