
Top 10 Nintendo-Owned Characters We Want Introduced in Next ‘Smash Bros.’

As development presumably begins for the previously announced upcoming ‘Super Smash Bros.’ games for the 3DS and Wii U, we submit our top 10 Nintendo-owned newcomers that we would love to see join the games’ playable rosters.

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ronin4life4594d ago

Little mac and balloon fighter make sense, but the rest would be filler. (Star wolf sucks, so I don't
Think we need more SF characters...)
Except Issac! Make it happen!!! ^.^

Instigator4594d ago

Krystal need to be in the next one. I wanted her in Brawl, but instead we got another Fox copy. Isaac looks like he'd be a little too similar to the Fire Emblem guys to be interesting.

Moncole4594d ago

Smash Bros on Wii U would be awesome because if they run out of space on the disk they can make DLC characters and knowing Nintendo it would be free.

Sobari4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

A lot of these characters definitely should be in, though the fact that they haven't made it into the series yet doesn't leave me with much hope. Characters like Little Mac and King K. Rool have been candidates since the first Smash Bros. was released, yet they were ignored for 3 straight games. Little Mac probably has a slightly higher chance with the release of the new Wii game, but since K. Rool got shafted in the new Donkey Kong game, he probably won't be in.

LX-General-Kaos4593d ago

I would love to see the little space man from pikmin and some little pikmin surrounding him waiting to fight. That would bring a tear to my eye.

Rated E For Everyone

LX-General-Kaos4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

Now that I think of it I kind of remember that guy being in an earlier smash bros game. I guess ill go with Andross. Most Nintendo characters worth mentioning have already been placed in the game.

I would really love to see Nintendo have a Nintendo vs SEGA type of mash up game. That way Nintendo can give SEGA a similar beating like they did in the console war.

Rated E For Everyone

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Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye1d 8h ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.


If Nintendo's new "wireless device" is for tracking movement, let's hope it's for VR

Nintendo's new 'wireless device' patent suggests it tracks movement. Could it be a precursor for VR?

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OtterX8h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.


Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

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Jin_Sakai15h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer11h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo9h ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g9h ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

KyRo8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Your opinion is correct. There's no denying Nintendo's influence on the handheld market that's paved the way for the ROG, Steam Deck, MSI Claw etc but apart from the dock to get a small jump in power, it wasn't really revolutionary, even back when it launched. It was a more refined concept of the Wii U which again wasn't new or groundbreaking back then either.

Aussiesummer9m ago

What the switch wasn't innovative? Cmon.

badz14911h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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