
TGF: Welcome Park Review

TGF writes: "The PlayStation Vita is an amazing handheld, and everyone is talking about it. It is receiving great reviews from many people, our review can be found HERE if you didn’t get a chance to give it a look. But what is a great handheld without a great operating system to back it up? Well to showcase all of the abilities of the Vita Sony decided to bundle an app known as Welcome Park with the system. How does this app hold up when compared to the rest of the handheld? Read on to find out."

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dragon824593d ago

A good intro to the Vita's features.


Welcome Park (PS Vita) Trophy Guide

"If you bought a Vita, then there’s no doubt you gave Welcome Park a try. The small include program is a basic tutorial, though it also features various trophies to earn. While most of them are luck based, a few of them will require some skill. However, the following tips will help you prove to your friends that you “mastered” your PlayStation Vita!" - JPS

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The PS Vita – 5 Smart Features

John of GAMElitist.com - "The PlayStation Vita’s worldwide release has come and gone. After playing with it for the better part of a week, I’ve come to discover what works and what doesn’t."

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In-depth Review: Welcome Park - Electronic Theatre

Having launched throughout Europe and North America this past week, gamers will finally have the PlayStation Vita (PS Vita) console in their hands. Featuring many unique capabilities, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) decided that it would be wise to include a piece of tutorial software with the device, going by the name of Welcome Park. However, Welcome Park isn’t just a case of instructing the gamer to touch the touchscreen or press buttons at the appropriate interval, it’s an entertainment application in it’s own right, complete with hidden items to discover and PlayStation Network Trophies to unlock, so what better why to kick off Electronic Theatre’s newest in-depth reviews archive than with the first software most PS Vita gamers will experience?

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MySwordIsHeavenly4595d ago

It was a nice opening to the device. :) The augmented reality is MUCH better than the 3DS's also. It's incredible!

I'm only two trophies away from beating this thing, too. I just need to finish a couple of the more difficult puzzles. :/