
Nexus Conflict – New Gameplay Trailer

Battles in space aren’t won and lost in the cockpit of a fighter ship, but on the bridge of a mighty battle cruiser! In gamigo’s new tactical real-time strategy game Nexus Conflict, players jump into the past of Black Prophecy’s universe to take command of one of these titans during the height of the Species Wars.

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Is Nexus Conflict a repackaged version of Nexus: TJI? - Geeky.ly

Trey the space sim nerd muses about Gamigo's upcoming title Nexus Conflict. Could this be Nexus: The Jupiter Incident 2? Further more, does it matter even if it is?

morganfell4587d ago

It may be and it doesn't matter. I'll take a close look at the game since I own TJI. But this talk of taking on EVE is just idiocy. EVE has the greatest online community of any MMO I have ever seen. There isn't a more helpful group of people. All of this sequel to an okay space sim trumping EVE is just lunacy in the bright sunlight.

Sidewinder-4587d ago

I asked this very question the other day.

What I last heard of TJI was that members of the original developer team were in the process of creating Nexus 2, through a fan support initiative similar to Interstellar Marines and Psychonauts 2.

Regardless; the idea of this being a proper tactical warship strategy game will warrant my attention.

Nexus The Jupiter Incident was such the game.

Schlangers4587d ago

Are you guys serious!

This has nothing to do with Nexus TJI (Loved it BTW), it looks nothing like what is shown in the videos... might be a marketing decision to confuse ppl into buying it though.

The Nexus 2 pay to make fell through so nothing has been heard of it since but I still hope to see it one day... same as Homeworld 3, but being realistic (for a second at least) the only space strategy game on my radar atm is the Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion.

Still holding out for a HW3 or Nexus 2, please, please please make them :(.


Nexus Conflict, Black Prophecy Prequel Directly Rivaling EVE Online

Gaming Blend "Gamigo has decided to take the next step in directly challenging the throne for space combat king and they announced Nexus Conflict, the prequel to Black Prophecy, which puts players directly in command of the massive frigates and star destroyers for some real-time space strategy gameplay."

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morganfell4587d ago

EVE has the greatest online community of any MMO I have ever seen. There isn't a more helpful group of people. The universe is so vast and the character creation the best in all of gaming. Besides, there is Dust 514 and that will be the end of all of this nonsense.

Talk of this sequel to an okay space sim trumping EVE is just lunacy in the bright sunlight.


Nexus Conflict Announced, Screens and Gameplay Released

gamigo has officially announced today "Nexus Conflict" a new tactical real-time strategy game, players jump into the past of Black Prophecy's universe to take command of one of these titans during the height of the Species Wars.

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Sidewinder-4588d ago

Woah, wait. Is this a pseudo sequel to Nexus the Jupiter Incident?

Pyar tactical Starship battles.

Good lookin' stuff in any case.

Fragger2k84588d ago

Well.. I was pretty excited, until I saw that it isn't going to be a real game.. It's just going to be some free to play browser based thing.


And by the looks of it, it has nothing to do with Jupiter Incident, so it probably isn't going to play anything like it. =\