
Dead Space 3 Powered By Frostbite 2.0 - Rumour

NowGamer: Battlefield 3 technology set to power EA Visceral's next sci-fi chiller?

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rickybadman4533d ago

Why would EA switch Dead Space to the Frostbite Engine? The Dead Space engine is already a propriety engine. They not have to pay any licensing for it. I guess "Powered by Frostbite 2" with be the new marketing slogan EA screams at everyone

Mac is OK4533d ago

If this is true my guess is that they're switching to Frostbite for next gen development.

iChii4533d ago

Games like Dead Space don't need awesome graphics. Awesome gameplay, Story and Horror is enough for me to say that I freakin' love Dead Space. I don't think they'll be using Frostbite.

kaveti66164533d ago

"Games like Dead Space don't need awesome graphics."

What does "need" have to do with it?

EA can market their games better if they have better graphics. Dead Space 3 would benefit from Frostbite 2 in the following ways: lighting, animation, shadowing, texture, physics.

Better graphics is not something to shrug off.

da_2pacalypse4533d ago

Soon Every EA game will say "power by frostbite 2.0 engine"

I can see it now..... Hello kitty Island adventures, POWERED BY FROSTBITE 2.0 ENGINE!!!! GET IT NOWWWWWWW!!! -_-

NewMonday4533d ago

its like an in-company Unreal engine, that's a smart move, and remember Frostbit incorporates great physics and audio, also destructible environments.

now Bethesda need to use IDtech engine on Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

Sony are already using Santa Monica studios in helping co-develop 1st party games.


Dead Space is one of the few games that I feel really does not need it.

Maybe it will make a big difference for nextgen developement. If I was to go buy the current gen look I would say Dead Space does not need it.

Dead space was one of the most underrated games from a graphical point of view in my opinion. The sound and physics etc were all perfect.

One thing that impressed me more then anything about Dead Space was how stable everything felt. I mean there were hardly any bugs in the game at all. objects etc just looked so solid, the textures were solid, I never noticed any popup at all.

frostbite 2 is great on pc from what I have heard, but I have not seen BF3 on PC only on my 360 and some aspects are great, but there are a lot of things I still don't like about it, too much for me to start listing here, but lets just say I am not jumping for joy at the thought of this.

DeadlyFire4532d ago

"One magical engine to rule them all"

I personally do believe they will use Frostbite 2. Why? Well its EA. They can streamline their whole business plan with one engine on every game. They can upgrade it as time goes on. Cheaper and easier to keep your development team tweaking the same tools and engine than to bring anything else into the picture.

I don't think EA is the only one that does this. Valve does it very much so. There was HL2, CSS, Team Fortress 2, Portal 1&2, Left 4 Dead 1&2, Counter-Strike: GO, Dota 2, hmm....

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4532d ago
The_Nameless_One4533d ago

Why not? Better engine then the one Dead Space uses already.

kamanashi4533d ago

Not exactly. Fb2 is good, but not for everything, it is also very unoptimized at the moment, so its not really the best idea to use it right now. Wait until they can do some similar to CryEngine 3 where it looked better and ran better at the same time.

Bladesfist4533d ago

@Kamanashi CryEngine 3 does not look that much better and runs worse. And how can you say an engine like FB 2 is unoptimized when it provides the visuals it currently does, I think you meant not matured.

dirthurts4533d ago

What? Cryengine 3 runs way way better than the first 2 editions.
Benchmarks everywhere prove it.

Gazondaily4533d ago

Let's just pray there are no flashlights in Dead Space 3. My retinas have been raped to submission already.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4533d ago
Shaman4533d ago

Because FB2 is EA's engine? It was made by lot of guys from EA, not just DICE.

enfestid4533d ago

The Dead Space engine is EA's engine, too.

TheGameFoxJTV4533d ago

So, why does it matter if EA decides to use a new engine over and old one they developed for the Original Xbox before bring the game back for 360 a while later? Yes, Dead Space 1 was going to be on the Xbox 1.

TheGameFoxJTV4533d ago (Edited 4533d ago )

For everyone who disagreed with me, here you go. Dead Space 1 was suppose to be on the original Xbox but was canceled. It was brought back this gen.


Don't disagree if you don't know shit about anything.

Voxelman4533d ago

EA want Frostbite 2 to be the one engine they use for all their games so they can have one codebase to maintain rather than having each studio creating their own engine when most games could be built on the one engine with some tweaks.

It is a good business decision as it means they waste less resources reinventing the wheel for each game, it also means that they can have one of the most advanced engines around as they have half a dozen studios updating their engine to keep it at the bleeding edge. It also has the added bonus of allowing their employees to get used to one development environment so they can more easily switch projects and will allow them to develop games faster.

Bioware's next game will probably be FB2 as well

tmoss7264533d ago

Actually I'm not sure if Bioware's next game will be since they've used Unreal 3 for all the Mass Effect games. But it could happen since they're supposedly making Generals 2 with it.

Voxelman4533d ago

They also used an inhouse engine for Dragon Age and a 3rd party one for TOR. But with the current EA initiative for FB2 to become the defacto engine for EA studios and the fact that the Mass Effect (Shepard) trilogy is over so the team will be moving on to something different from them probably on next gen hardware which may or may not be set in the Mass Effect universe so that would be a good opertunity to move to a different engine which is what I meant I just didn't word it correctly. We may even see Dragon Age 2 on the FB2 engine tho that is less likely.

ziggurcat4533d ago

i have a feeling that they wouldn't have to pay any money for the frostbite engine since they're an EA developer...

pedo_across-the-road4533d ago (Edited 4533d ago )

Can I haz my Simpsons game 2 nowz?

MEsoJD4533d ago

I just hope it's not exclusive on Origin, or I'm going to pirate. I'm probably going to get a lot disagrees for that.

JsonHenry4533d ago

Because Frostbite 2.0 is an awesome engine. And LOTS of games from RPGs to RTS to 3rd/1st person shooters are signing on to use this engine. They must have really done something right with this engine to make it so desirable.

I'm not sure about the legal specifics but isn't the people that make Deadspace owned by EA? So why would they lease their own engine to themselves if that is the case?

tmoss7264533d ago

Because DICE who made the Frostbite 2 engine is owned by DICE? It actually makes perfect sense. And in case you didn't know, there's already a non-DICE game powered by Frostbite 2.


4532d ago
ATi_Elite4532d ago

YES it's going to happen!

i said a long time ago that EA's goal was to have all their console games be affiliated with 1 of 3 things:

EA Sports
Frostbite 2

So right now Dead Space on the frostbite 2 sounds just right.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4532d ago
Nicaragua4533d ago

This is more of "something we made up" rather than a rumour.

cjflora4533d ago

I agree. There is no evidence that any of this is related to Dead Space 3.

Burning_Finger4533d ago

Holy Mighty S***.

I'll probably jump more from the scare. lol

Hufandpuf4533d ago

Great, They need to keep pushing FB2, it's the gateway into next gen games. And I bet DS3 will look amazing with it especially on PC.

StayStatic4533d ago

Agreed , Dead Space 1 was a poor port on PC , not played 2 but heard it was better control wise.

Third times a charm ?

tubers4533d ago

The only poor I found about DS1 was the aiming. Everything else was bearable.

I even prefer DS1's industrial, low color palette art style. More atmospheric.

Probably would be nice with FB 2.

BF 3 looks so "monochromatic/colorblind " compared to other modern shooters like Crysis 2 (wider color palette).

Might work with DS3 LOL.

(half joke, half meant)

Biohazard88604533d ago

why the dislikes lol im exited for this game haters gonna hate i guess.

Adexus4533d ago

You received the disagrees because your original comment had absolutely no point to it at all.

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EA May Add A Replay Editor To Its Games

EA has published a new patent that wants to add a replay editor to its games, allowing players to modify the captured gameplay content.

sammichosaurus19d ago

They should fix their games first.

Knightofelemia18d ago

Most likely comes with microtransactions and loot boxes.

Inverno18d ago

Nah you just gotta watch a short, unskipable, 30 seconds ad every time you use the feature. Those same ads will then be automatically edited into your captured gameplay before your video is stored online (no local saves), where they will have the right to use for promotional purposes.

Snookies1218d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Please don't give them ideas, lol! That definitely sounds like something they'd love to do.


EA Hiring Ex-Military Personnel to Help Build Next Battlefield Game via "Hiring Our Heroes" Program

EA has hired ex-military personnel in order to help shape the next Battlefield game as part of the Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) program.

OtterX41d ago (Edited 41d ago )

Why don't you Hire Your Old Dev Team who brought us the brilliance of Battlefield Bad Company 2 while you're at it. It was more exciting than anything recent in the Battlefield series. It just needs to be updated to reach modern times, but it was so great at its core.

just_looken41d ago

This would be nice but that team has tossed out the finals and has arc raiders on the back burner

20 thousand still play the final's

Why get slapped around by ea when you already have something going on.

What the next battlefield needs is a step back simple functional not a live service and smaller player servers than 2042. Just make it like battlefiled 3 with bad company destruction just something simple

But they already killed off ridgeline games that had ex halo/cod devs so no singleplayer unless they make another dev team for it.

Rynxie41d ago

It's what made zipper and slant six awesome. They had military vets working for them, no just as consultants, but as developers as well. I wish Sony never closed them, MAG 2 or an update to MAG and a new socom is much needed.

just_looken41d ago

Older ps3 battlefield titles did the same even went to the range to get sound files.

But all these titles we are talking about were on the ps3 a console so powerful it offered free mp and games did not need 4 levels of payment plans even more crazy was the player size of mag's games.

TheColbertinator40d ago

A return to the golden age of Battlefield seems so far away now

Str8Chaos7440d ago

Sadly I think you are correct. They just don’t get it. They will do their live service game with its Battle Royale and fail at both.I hate being so negative, but I have little faith in EA at this point.


There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws70d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman70d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath270d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger69d ago (Edited 69d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.