
IGN Preview: Final Fantasy Dissidia Rules Tokyo

Via IGN:

"The phrase "they've done it again" seems to apply perfectly to this situation. I go the Jump Festa event today at the Makuhari Messe convention hall just outside of Tokyo, I line up to play a PSP game that everyone pretty much assumed would suck from the start, and I'm totally blown away."

INehalemEXI6029d ago

Thats flipping great I knew it was going to be a killer game. Can't wait till march for Crisis Core and when Dissidia comes I pre order that with the quickness too.

pwnsause6029d ago

maybe the PSP does have a chance to surpass the DS in sales, although thats just a fantasy for me.

kamakazi6029d ago

again, who thinks that final fantasy 13 and versus wont help sell PS3'S

cloud360-7th_account6029d ago

I would be really happy if you made another account or chaged your name.

Darkiewonder6029d ago

Awaiting for Dissidia Myself!

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Best PSP Games Of All Time Ranked - PlayStation Universe

Find out the answer to what are The Best PSP Games Of All Time in our ranked list of 16 excellent titles that appeared on Sony's first handheld.

Terry_B1192d ago

Bad List since Ridge Racers 2 is missing there.

1192d ago
PapaBop1192d ago

I'm curious but is it possible to legally play these games without buying a psp?

luckytrouble1192d ago

You can play some of them on the Vita via PSN purchasing, but a PSP with a functional UMD drive is the only completely legal way to play games like FF7: Crisis Core.

WeAreLegion1192d ago

Some of them, yes. But most PSP games are locked to that system or digitally on Vita. The Vita's second analog stick is amazing for FPS games. I use an emulator to play many PSP games. I know that's illegal, but I wouldn't call it unethical. There's no way to give developers money for these games anymore. Unless you buy their new games. :)

Highly recommend Infected, if you get the chance.

Magic_Spatula1191d ago

Emulators aren't illegal. Unethical? Maybe. The issue companies have are how you obtained the games. If you got them through legal matters (such as making your own backups of games you own and not distributing them), they're mostly okay with that. If you got the through less..... ethical means, then yeah, it's a no-no in their eyes.

Fluke_Skywalker1191d ago

@Magic_Spatula Like he said, there is no legal way to buy most psp games anymore in a way that gives the developers any money. So yes emulators are normally illegal and unethical, but in this case its actually the only way to play some of these games, if you didn't buy the games many years ago.

Fluke_Skywalker1191d ago

Yeah they really need to give us a remake of that for PS4/5 I absolutely loved that game. Still the saddest ending to a video game ever.

SDuck1192d ago

The fact this has vanilla Dissidia instead of Duodecim tells me not to take the list serious. Duodecim is obviously the superior since it has the same content (story included) from the first game and (much) more

Magic_Spatula1191d ago

Yeah. Duodecim was basically an enhanced version of the original game.

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Dissidia Final Fantasy NT's Next Update Will Be The Last; New Skins for Two Villains Revealed

Today Square Enix announced the end of active development for its fighting game Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and its arcade counterpart Dissidia Final Fantasy.

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xTonyMontana1588d ago

Nooooooooo at least give us Emet Selch

AK911588d ago

Oh damn shame they're ending it their I hope this means we get a sequel for PS5.


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1616d ago Replies(1)