
And this is why people tell you off for calling Link "Zelda"

Looks like Link has had enough of being called "Zelda" and come 4th April, he's going to snap.

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DeFFeR4597d ago

I hate what N4G has become...

This is probably in the top 10 of terrible "news" articles approved on N4G.

Glad I don't come here as often as I used to.

tarbis4597d ago

I guess Link has had enough for always being called a gurl. Does this mean he's going to kill the princess instead of saving her?
If that happens, I'll be playing it. :D

tiffac0084596d ago

I think that would defeat the purpose of trying to get the girl in the end. ^^

Droid Control4597d ago

Wait?! Link isn't a girl?

I thought he had a sex change a couple of games back?

LX-General-Kaos4597d ago

These articles are pretty bad. but this particular one has a point.

Calling Link Zelda is a classic rookie mistake and is frowned upon by any self respecting Nintendo supporter.

Thats like thinking Michael Jordan was #25 all these years. Or that Stone Cold Steve Austin was from California. Or that Uncharted 4 was being developed for the XBOX 360.

Link is a legendary man of class, and deserves respect.

Rated E for Everyone

CaptainN4596d ago

Makes you wonder why all the games where never called the Legend of Link, doesn't it? Every game really isnt about Zelda, but all about Links adventure to save her. Funny how most legends are always about the heroes, yet this legend is all about a princess who pretty much never does anything except get rescued. Once in a while she helps out a bit here or there, but its not really her legend at all.........not unless she's telling the story, which in that case its her legend because its her story being told. Link really doesn't get any credit for all his hard work LOL.

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Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger12h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye1d 19h ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire956h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


If Nintendo's new "wireless device" is for tracking movement, let's hope it's for VR

Nintendo's new 'wireless device' patent suggests it tracks movement. Could it be a precursor for VR?

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OtterX19h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.