
Top 5 must have multi-format games next month (March 2012)

Here's a list of five must have console games that no gamer should do without next month. Agree or disagree, these should be great value and perhaps will make you forget about how cold it is outside, flu, impending bills and the fact that January was almost completely devoid of releases.

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Sanetoshi4543d ago

Is it bad that I'm more excited for the HD remakes of Silent Hill 2 and 3 than I am for Silent Hill Downpour?

NukaCola4542d ago

Not at all but that is your opinion. I think from what I saw, the new SH:DP looks really interesting. Gave the town an open Arkham City feel with side missions and exploration. I like the survival horror in it as well. It's still a mindf*ck supernatural horror game but giving the player a little more play room. And after the travesty of what Resident Evil has become, I am welcoming something fresh.

RaidensRising4543d ago

I wish I could afford all of those, but having played the demo of Snakeater on the 3DS I want that as well.

ShadesMoolah4543d ago

Ahh a busy month at long last. All of those games should cater to most tastes. Although i notice the lack of Fps game this month.

Capt-FuzzyPants4542d ago

Don't worry I'm sure there will be an overload of FPS games just about every other month.

beremy_jeadle4542d ago

All of those games are sequels, its a shame there is no new ip's to look forward to these days.

ShadesMoolah4542d ago

Streetfighter x Tekken is a new IP.

beremy_jeadle4542d ago

Well technically, but gamers are pretty used to streetfighter and tekken games.

Play2Win4541d ago

new IP?? - Hell even my grandma knows Tekken and Streetfighter ...

Mikefizzled4541d ago

Does that mean Tekken X Street Fighter Is a new IP when it finally gets released :P

KentBlake4542d ago (Edited 4542d ago )


Sorry, but it's not. It's just 2 old IPs thrown together.

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anast143d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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