
The Sims FreePlay for Android, Gamer's Intuition review

The Sims FreePlay is a free (read: pay for advanced content) version of The Sims in full 3D, with a mission-based progression. The main difference here is that actions take place in real time. This means that if in real life going to the bathroom to pee would take you 30 seconds, your Sim will take 30 seconds to pee. If your Sim is tired and needs to have a nice long 7-hour sleep, then it will take 7 real-time hours for the Sim to wake up. The game also uses your clock, so if it's 9 a.m. for you, it will be 9 a.m. in the Sim's world as well.

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Sims FreePlay Cheats

Sims make their way to the mobile gaming device! For those of us that need hints to do better and maybe even speed things up with a cheat or advise, this page is for you. There is also a full guide to the game linked from there that will really help. There is a very p[opular "Sims Money Cheat" great for speeding up getting buildings and homes!

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Electronic Arts Takes Bigger Interest In Android Gaming

Chris Buffa (Modojo): The Android experience is nowhere near as seamless as iOS, with users struggling to find games that work across a variety of smart phones and tablets.

Taking this a step further, Electronic Arts has been somewhat cold to the platform, releasing only a handful of titles that iPhone and iPad players enjoyed months ago.

mcstorm4515d ago

Ea are looking at both android and windows phone 7 now as well as the i devices because this will be the 3 main mobile os's on the market over the next few years so its better to have fingers in all pies than just one.

dirthurts4515d ago

And we all know how EA feels about pie.

BraveToaster4515d ago

They sell you 50% of the pie for $59.99 then make you pay $14.99 for another 25%?