
One Piece Misprint!?

What about these 3DS cases misprints?

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deep_fried_bum_cake4546d ago

I can't imagine the person who made that mistake has gotten off lightly.

miidylan4546d ago

I cannot believe they don't even check....

deep_fried_bum_cake4546d ago

The probably had a team of highly trained dyslexic workers thoroughly checking the boxes.

lorianguy4545d ago

It's the second 3DS misprint so far. The first being Resident Evil.

I can't believe Nintendo hasn't noticed!

Jag-T10004545d ago

The second L is silent. That's what it is.

CraigUK4545d ago

Maybe they changed the name to Unlimlited from Unlimited because its actually only half the game because apparently adding in translation for the game means that you only get half what japan gets.

miidylan4545d ago

that is so true...guess the extra 'l' should make up for it!


GC's worst and most disappointing games of 2012

GC takes a look back over 2012 and sifts out the rotten and disappointing games to be brought to the front and made an example of. Let’s take a look at what we chose.

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Old McGroin4200d ago

I'm a massive fan of the Resident Evil series, I even liked part 5! But because of all the negativity from both fans and reviewers I decided to borrow Resident Evil 6 from my brother instead of purchasing it. I had heard that in order of utter crapness Jake's campaign was the worst closely followed by Chris' and then Leon's campaign was actually half decent. I decided that I wanted to go out on a high so I decided to play in that order. Bad idea. I pretty much forced myself to finish Jake's campaign and made it as far as the ship in Chris' campaign before my spirit broke and I turned it off for the last time. Resident Evil 6 is not a Resident Evil game. I wanted it so badly to be one but it's not. It's crap. Crap on a disc. My brother doesn't even want it back, he said I can trade it in if I want and he's a big Resident Evil fan as well. I'm a little reluctant to trade it in. Do I really want to inflict this misery on a fellow gamer who picks it up second hand?

The only reason it's selling so well is the brand name, if this was a new IP it probably wouldn't have sold 100K copies, it tries to be an action game but fails so miserably I almost cried tears of blood, rage and disbelief. I find it staggering that this game was created by literally hundreds of Capcom staff over several years. I have to hold hope in my heart that there have been literally hundreds of Capcom staff made redundant on the back of this blasphemy so that their awful, awful lack of talent never befouls another console.

So is it worth a play? If Mordor was a real place I would venture to Mount Doom and fling it in to the hell fires from whence it came.

PopRocks3594200d ago

Wow, this was a funny assessment of the game lol. Bubble up sir.

I couldn't even finish RE6. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt due to being a fan of the series. I beat Leon's campaign (barely) and stopped halfway through Jake's. The game was honestly very broken and frustrating. About the fifth time I was killed by a scripted event I started getting annoyed. The half-assed Metal Gear-esque stealth segment was where I drew the line. On top of all of this, the story was dumber than usual.

RE6 is the first RE I've outright hated, let alone disliked. And to save face, Capcom is porting the much superior Revelations 3DS game to HD consoles. Go figure.

adonis1834200d ago

Assasson's crees 3 biggest dissapointment, and overhyped with american history.

pr0t0typeknuckles4200d ago

was it really that bad, if so im actually happy i skipped the game this year due to me getting tired of the franchise, and on a sidenote do you hate connor as well because i hear a lot of people saying that he was the worst assassian in the series and a complete bore is that true?

banjadude4200d ago

I haven't played any of the other Assassin's Creed games, so maybe I'm a little biased or whatever... but I bought AC3 purely on hype and because of the fact I love Colonial history.

I could only stomach about 2-4 hours of the game, and I stopped playing entirely. I just could not stand the awkward controls, and believe me I tried all the different control schemes. Also, it didn't help that the pacing of the game was so slowwwww.

edawg118854200d ago

I played Leon's campaign cause that was all I wanted to play. Been waiting for Leon to get another game since RE4. I didn't bother with anyone else.

Tyrant134200d ago

I wonder why RE6 keeps getting on these lists, I've got it and it's a great game. I'm a massive fan of the RE series and to me 5 is the disappointment not 6.

Old McGroin4200d ago (Edited 4200d ago )

Every person is going to have a unique opinion on each game. I'm glad some people actually like Resident Evil 6 (I tried my best but couldn't force it!) because I don't want to see the franchise die. I would love to see a complete reboot, character-wise. By that I mean keep the same story and events but have it told through a completely new set of characters and bring it back to it's survival horror roots.

Edit: I didn't disagree with you by the way.

Plagasx4200d ago

The thing is, Capcom just doesn't give a shit anymore.

We thought they would have thought by now, "Hmmm, perhaps it's time to make a real RE with real horror instead of trying to capture this CoD infested audience" but nooo...They choose to fuck over the fans and churn out monthly DLC and hope to get massive sales.

Ashunderfire864200d ago

Ada Wong's campaign was the best, cause she was by herself, and it was the only campaign that felt a bit like the old fashion Resident Evil with puzzles. The JA'VO was annoying not scary. I hated those stupid creatures that break apart when you shoot them and they pull themselves back together and impregnate a monster in your mouth!!!!

Tyrant134199d ago

I much as i really like 6 i agree with your reboot idea. I think that could revive the series for everyone else and because the story in the RE series had kind of ran its course now.

DigitalRaptor4199d ago (Edited 4199d ago )

Basically it wasn't even a good game in terms of components that make a good game. It was fundamentally broken in terms of cover system, it has a camera that obstructs the gameplay during crucial moments, the poor AI is another annoyance. Then there's the distasteful and excessive QTEs which literally have me tearing at my hair. QTEs have their place, but when they're implemented as excruciatingly as in RE6, you can't not take notice.

Then there's the poor endgame storyline that forces multiple characters to give it a greater sense of scale and urgency, but only one of the characters is worth playing (Leon) for a relative throwback to the horror vibe that was present in RE4 and games prior. Then there's the fact that because you're accompanied at all times by a co-op partner, it loses any sort of tension that should exist - such a poor decision based on one of the most hated parts of RE5 - Sheva.

RE6 is a franchise killer in terms of integrity. It's full of poor design choices that are as clear as day, even from someone like myself who is not a game designer. It destroyed the main component of what makes a Resi game which is to be scary. Even the gameplay is poor by modern action game standards, and it's clear that not only did Capcom go for the 3rd person shooter/CoD/Uncharted crowd, it failed at meeting even that standard.

As a sum of its parts, Resident Evil 6 is by far the most disappointing game of 2012. There's no doubt.

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One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 1: The Treasure Beneath The Waves Review - Gamers Hideout

A review for the game One Piece Unlimited Cruise Episode 1: The Treasure Beneath The Waves by Gamers Hideout reviews editor Connor Crowhurst.

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omarzy4423d ago (Edited 4423d ago )

hmmm this might be the last chance that i give one piece games. I have not played that many since i have to import them, but i have seen online reviews for the imports and they are not good, but i still enjoyed a few. they should localize more one piece games. The bleach games are terrible, and the naruto games do not come out often enough.

Xof4423d ago

I've been -very- impressed by, well, almost all the Naruto games I've played. Haven't touched any OP games, though, having only recently gotten "into" the series.

I've heard that the "Adventure" games are the best. And I've also heard that the 3DS games that are never going to get localized in NA are the best. So who knows.

Personally, the OP game that seems the most promising to me is Pirate Warriors. Musou = solid gameplay, OP = refreshing visual aesthetic + creative attacks/battles/maps.

So if you're going to pick a "last" OP game to try, I'd recommend OP Musou.

omarzy4423d ago

Oh, i almost forgot about that game. That is the one on the ps3 right? I saw a Japanese trailler for it, then never saw anymore news, so i forgot about it. It remind me of dynasty warriors game play. I will have to try that one, but is it going to be localized? The Naruto games get a better budget, but Musou looks pretty well supported financially. I would love a ninja storm quality one piece game.

r214423d ago

oh its the wii game, i thought the ps3 game got released. anywho, good score for a one piece game :D


One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP review [Nintendo Universe]

Nintendo Universe writes:

Of course, those that will get the most out of One Piece: Unlimited Cruise SP are the fans, yet ultimately they will perhaps be the ones left feeling most disappointed. What's present is a faithful adaptation of the One Piece universe, with all the charm, humour and personality that you'd expect. It's just coupled with a gaming experience that's instantly forgettable and lacking in almost every other regard.

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