
Hakuoki Demon of the Fleeting Blossom | DualShockers Review

Emily Putscher of DualShockers writes: "Romantic “visual novel” games don’t have much of a market here in the west, which is why Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom is the first game from Otome to be published in North America.

I’ll admit, I started off skeptical myself. The description of “game” is really a little misleading, despite the fact that it is a piece of software published on a handheld gaming console. Gameplay, as it were, doesn’t really exist. Rather, the person holding the PSP in their hands is mostly reading a story, and making choices every once in awhile."

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A Look Back at The Best PSP Racing Games

The PSP library was rich with racing games delivering both outstanding exclusives and mind-blowing console ports.

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darthv72190d ago

I had to buy the import as it was not released in NA. Much better than the first, which was great as well.

Terry_B190d ago

Aye. Still playing it from time to time via the emulator. Would buy a PS5 port on day one.

Freecs190d ago

A little bit off topic, but i just got Ridge Racer 7, and it's kicking my butt XD very challenging game but still ahead of its time

darthv72190d ago

I still love to play outrun, sega rally and burnout while just kicking back in bed.

piroh190d ago

So many great memories, so many great games

purple101189d ago


How they got that running on a psp il never know

psplova189d ago

There were so many great racing games on the PSP. I always remember The Race Driver game being one that surprised me..

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Breaking Down Gamescom ONL, Playstation Portable, And New Video Games Skewedcast

This week Gareth and Justin at Skewed and Reviewed go over new Video Games and discuss the new Sony Playstation Portable Announcement. They also look at Gamescom and more.


Editorial: Ode to the PlayStation Portable

The Sony Handheld that devastated the market and my life. I go in depth of what this console meant for me and the games that defined my life gaming on the go.

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