
WGB: Quarrel - Review

Baden of WolfsGamingBlog writes: "You’ve doubtless heard people say that the pen is mightier than the sword, that words can cut deeper than any blade, heal wounds that medicine cannot and quite possibly part the Red Sea. In Quarrel they take that idea quite literally by making you fight battles using words, thereby not only entertaining you but also expanding your vocabulary with all manner of shiny words that will leave the majority of phone-text speaking simpletons with bemused looks on their faces and a mild headache. Yes, that’s right, Quarrel makes you feel smart! Well, it makes me feel smart, anyway."

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Where Have All The Quiz Games Gone?

Play Vault:

"This generation of consoles has been the generation for the rise of online, multiplayer gaming. The vast majority of players, play their games online or have the functionality in place to do so. Last weekend I decided to buck the trend and play a game (Wait for it…Brace yourself...) in local multiplayer with both of us playing on the same Xbox console, in the same room! (Gasp!)"

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iamnsuperman4070d ago

They have gone mobile. Quiz games have a perfect home with mobile devices. Games consoles is an odd fit for them. Quiz games are good for passing time here and there

4070d ago
Miraak82 4070d ago

Just play U dont know jack on FB , its free , best quiz game ive ever played

MWH4070d ago

Call of Duty: Modern Quizfare.

4070d ago

The Best Games You Didn't Play In 2012

The Controller Online writes: "It may just be because of the line of work we’re in, but 2012 felt like one of the biggest years gaming has seen in a long time. With the huge number of titles that were released this year, a few were bound to fall through the cracks. Here are our favorite games that didn’t necessarily have a huge marketing campaign, or big sales numbers, but are also games you just shouldn’t miss.

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Quarrel | Good Game SP Review

Quarrel is a really clever little game and there’s real strategy to it, especially online.