
XBox 360: Best-selling console of 2011 Worldwide

Sony’s earnings report, issued yesterday, puts the PlayStation 3 at 6.5 million units sold worldwide for the holiday quarter, topping the 5.6 million units registered by Nintendo’s Wii for the same period — but falling short of the 8.2 million Xbox 360 sales reported by Microsoft.

On a cumulative basis, Nintendo is still the king of the current console generation, with 95 million Wiis sold worldwide, compared with 66 million Xbox 360 for Microsoft and 62 million Ps3s for Sony.

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GraveLord4557d ago

Most-shipped would be the correct term.

Sales tracking sites show the PS3 ahead of 360 in consumer sales.

Dark3604557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Sales tracking sites show the PS3 ahead of 360 in consumer sales like Vgchartz...HAHAHAHAHAHA

ApplEaglElephant4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

And just barely too.

Also, by abandoning hardcore gamers.

fanboys will still celebrate though. LOL

You get 1 or 2 core exclusives a year and you dont think MS is focusing on core like they used to.
MS also made core franchise into on rail kinect.
Halo aint even made by Bungie anymore. EPIC's main game is multiplat.

Lets be realz. MS left ya all for casuals and you fanboys are still defending them.

Pain704557d ago

@ApplEaglElephant I bought the PS3 solely to watch movies. Did Sony sell out making the PS3 because they added a HD video player like M$ did with Kinect? Come on now. What sells, sells. Congrats to all console owners. We all have great entertainment to enjoy. The thing that baffles me is that so many people are still buying these things. Doesnt everyone have one yet? The numbers always mess with my head. No way I could wait this long to own one of these machines.

morganfell4557d ago

Only fan sites use calendar years. Manufacturers, including Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo use fiscal years and the fiscal year doesn't end until March 31, 2012.

Nitrowolf24557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

@ Pain70

Really? There is a huge difference between the two. Blu-ray is mandatory, games use it, and most of all it (films) doesn't interfere with what games are being produced.

Kinect is a standalone purchase and MS is pushing it like there is no tomorrow, all while barely and I mean barely catering to the hardcores other then with already existing IP's that get constantly released, which still isn't that many.

@ Morganfell

Ha true

sikbeta4557d ago

It's being known since last CES12, did you guys didn't saw the conferences? Ballmer said it there, they didn't show much though and the Sony conference was awkward-funny :D

MysticStrummer4557d ago

Let me guess... WW sales suddenly matter, when they haven't every other year? Congrats, Microsoft shareholders. You have Anonymous to thank, not Microsoft.

EVILDEAD3604556d ago

At the end of the day, no matter how you spin it,the 360 outselling both the Wii and the PS3 in no small feat.

It's especially impressive when you factor in the fact that Japan sales are miniscule in comparison to the other big two.

I own all 3 consoles and bought over 20 games for the 360 alone.

I laugh hard at how non-core 360 gamers still keep trying to convince themselves that Microsoft abandoned hardcore when DAILY millions of 360 core gamers are still playing and supporting the core franchises they have supported from year ONE on the 360.

Here are the FACTs

The top 5 exclusive franchises are Halo, Gears,Mass Effect, Fable, and Forza.

In 2010 and 2011 we saw Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2(later multi), Fable 3, and Forza 4.

We also saw other franchises like Splinter Cell Conviction and Crackdown 2.

At the same time it is clear that Call of Duty has been a massive franchise for the 360 as it actually pushes console sales.

Games that once were 360 exclusives and are NOW multi-platform STILL are on the 360.

Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect,Bioshock etc are still Core games that 360 gamers have and will suport when new iterations arrive on the console. Skyrim is a huge example of it as the 360 has the games biggest fanbase.

So while the usual suspects keep fantasizing that Micrsoft just dropped ity's most important hardcore franchise for Kinect, in reality we see the results of this year's Gears of War 3..we see that Halo 4 has a 200-man team and a 3 year development time for the billion dollar franchise.

What we also see that while Micrsoft gets flack for releasing franchises like Dance Central, Kinectimals, and Fitness evolved..we now see Sony took notice and followed suit releasing Everybody Dance, EyePet and friends, and the upcoming Move fitness games.

Microsft successfully expanded it's audience, and garnered it's best year in history. But they didn't flinch on ensuring the core audience STILL played the biggest exclusive franchises the core install base love and support.


Anon19744556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

EvilDead said "Here are the FACTs: The top 5 exclusive franchises are Halo, Gears,Mass Effect, Fable, and Forza."

Seriously? The top exclusive franchises? Based on what? Mario games alone probably sell more than that entire list combined. And Mass Effect isn't even exclusive.

Microsoft had an amazing holiday quarter after sales had slowed and slumped after last year's holiday quarter. They've effectively broadened their appeal but still are a distant third place overall since they've had competition. Those are the facts. I love how some use this one quarter's boost to act like the 360 is suddenly the second coming for the game industry.

A little perspective is in order.

Morpheuzpr4556d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again MS is the worst thing that has happened to video games. You people think that Sony wouldn't have made so many great games this gen if they didn't have competition? Wrong, RFOM, Motorstorm, MGS4, Rachet & Clank, KZ2, GT5, Uncharted DF, GOW3 and probably others were in development prior to the PS3's release.

360FTW24556d ago

@Morpheuzpr - Now that was a dumb comment. Says a lot about how delusional people can be.

specialguest4556d ago

Everyone just needs to accept the fact that the 360 dominated 2011, and move on. The competition's numbers are not even close.

starchild4556d ago

I think some people make way too big of a deal about exclusives. Most of the games I find I like are multiplatform games. That is why I tend to play most of my games on the PC.

Console exclusives like Red Dead Redemption and Enslaved I tend to play on my 360.

Then there are the exclusives I like for both consoles...which to be honest are just a few here and there. Many PS3 exclusives just don't appeal to me that much...well, not to the point that I would get those exclusives instead of other multiplats that I am really looking forward to. I do really love Uncharted and God of War.

Some people act like every exclusive is amazing just because they are exclusives, but I think that mentality stems from brand loyalty and fanboyism more than anything.

If Microsoft, or Sony for that matter, would release more exclusives I would be all for it. But they have to be exclusives that interest me otherwise it personally wouldn't really mean much to me.

Oner4555d ago (Edited 4555d ago )

You want a REAL dose of reality? How's about this perspective ~

Sony (and Japan) had to deal with this in 2011

1. Earthquake
2. Tsunami
3. Radiation
4. PSN attack and shutdown

And they STILL managed to outsell the Wii while only being behind the 360 by 800k (give or take)...but yet (like Morganfell pointed out) its the Fiscal year that is more telling and proper. Hell even if it were to stay the same it goes to show how well Sony did under the circumstances.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 4555d ago
MariaHelFutura4557d ago

Congrats. Unfortunately to do this, they kinda screwed over their core audience. Hopefully, with all the $$$ they made they buy some NON Kinect related studios to proceed into the next-generation.

EVILDEAD3604557d ago

'Unfortunately to do this, they kinda screwed over their core audience.'


Not one single core game was effected by the release of Kinect ever.

In fact EVERY major 360 core exclusive have seen a release in 2010 AND 2011. Both are the years of Kinects release.

Core 360 played the biggest core 360 exclusives and the biggest multiplatforms. Halo Reach dominated in 2010 (and went on to sell 2 million more in 2011) and Gears of War 3 dominated 2011.

Microsoft simply made all of the right moves in the last two years that payed off with amazing results for in the twilight of this gaming gen.

But, like Nintendo and Sony have proven as past marketshare leaders, that you cant simply rely on past success to push you forward. It will still take alot more of those 'good moves' and a little luck for the 360 and ultimately the 720 to carry forward with this kind of success.

Look forward to seeing how it all pans out.


MariaHelFutura4557d ago


Good response.

But, I believe MS out-advertised Sony and came out first (by a year) and that is the major contributor to their success this generation. I don't agree w/ you about Kinect though, Kinect has taken their focus off of new IPs and is redirecting the initial vision of what the 360 was intended to be. Like you, I'm excited to see the vision of all the consoles in next-gen. Because right now, I think MS wants to be casual, Nintendo wants to be hardcore and Sony is not sure what they want to be.

NukaCola4557d ago


Gears of War 3 was pushed back for the Kinect Marketing Campaign.

Mass Effect 3 was also delayed to pop up with Kinect features now.

Anyway. MS did a hell of a job in the US this year. I think Americans forgot the Wii and PS3 even existed. It was their strongest ground and they played it well.

mugoldeneagle034557d ago

Just because Maria said they screwed over their core audience doesn't mean he/she meant delaying games and shit like that.

What about exclusives? If Microsoft would have focused on 1-2 less Kinect games maybe we could have gotten another one, just one more.

Or better yet, why not give me a reason to want a Kinect. Like you said it's been 2 years, and there's still not one game worth owning for (imo).

So yeah, the Core audience (which like you said played the most games, usually shooters) had a somewhat off year with a bunch of sequels and exclusive DLC that hasn't come out yet. That I'll agree with, just like I'll agree that MS probably made WAY more money pushing Kienct than past years.

You get my point

silvacrest4557d ago

they did the best they have ever done once they looked passed the core gamer, do you really think their focus will be them any time soon?

my guess is look forward to even more kinect titles because the multiplats are all the core gamer is gonna get

EVILDEAD3604557d ago

LOL and the internet ducktales keep coming..

'Gears of War 3 was pushed back for the Kinect Marketing Campaign.'

Absolutely 100% false! Gears was originally planned from day one to release in around the end of the 1st quarter 2011.

Micrsoft wisely pushed the game back to the Fall Halo slot which gave the game the best chance of success. It worked.

Kinect releasing in November 2010 had zero effect on Gears.

'Mass Effect 3 was also delayed to pop up with Kinect features now.'

LMAO..so now we are going to pretend that Mass Effect 3 was going to release EARLIER than it's normal 2 year cycle and it was the Kinect voice implementation pushed it back INTO it's normal 2 year cyle.

LMFAO..how many more do you want to more fantasy Kinect delays do you want to make up.

'What about exclusives? If Microsoft would have focused on 1-2 less Kinect games maybe we could have gotten another one, just one more.'

Like I said before..last two years the ACTUAL hardcore 360 games got EVERY big exclsuive franchise from this gen. They also got Alan Wake.

Only fan kids pretend that Microsoft was somehow supposed to release Kinect successfully without at least developing a few games for it.

'Or better yet, why not give me a reason to want a Kinect. Like you said it's been 2 years, and there's still not one game worth owning for (imo).'

I said it was released in 2010. But it was November 2010. Kinect has been on the market for only a year and 3 months. Who cares if YOU never buy Kinect or there isnt one game for YOU. You don't represent the 18 million people qwho did. You arent the reason for the success of any of the Kinect franchises.

Which is why Micrsoft can have a headline like 'best console worldwide' Kinect, Xbox Live, the 360 'big' exclusives, and ALL those things that people pretend arent factors in the real world.

Believe me, it's not just advertising.


mugoldeneagle034557d ago

Because then to me I feel neglected, just like other "core" owners do too I'm sure. Am I saying every single hardcore 360 owner is pissed off, no. But did the PS3 have more & higher rated exclusives? Yes. so it does matter, to me, just like all those Kinect sales make you feel good too.

As for advertising, believe it or not it DOES work. Been working in retail for 4+ years now and you should see some of the people who I've sold Kinects to. And of course no one expects great games at launch, but this isn't launch anymore, so no more free passes

It's got nothing to do with "fan kids", sales, anything like that. There are just people who care for casual gaming and I'm not one of them.

yesmynameissumo4557d ago

Love it or hate it, MS has done a hell of a job selling the 360. I think the same came be said for Sony and the PS3 too.

SSKILLZ4557d ago

wait...WHAT !? Microsoft doing something nice
fore there audience??? i think i heard Major Nelson lol from the top of a mountain

Denethor_II4556d ago

" Halo Reach dominated in 2010 (and went on to sell 2 million more in 2011) and Gears of War 3 dominated 2011."

So what you're saying is for 2010 all you had was one game, and for the following year all you had was one game.
I think you're sort strengthening the argument that MS has lost touch of it's foundation. I had so many exclusive games for my PS3 those years, I had to pick and choose because I couldn't afford them all. Can you believe that?

360FTW24556d ago

Why does it matter so much to you that MS only put out 1 or 2 exclusives last year. Here's what's funny to me, ONLY the PS3 fanboys are complaining about the lack of 360 exclusives. You guys wouldn't have bought the games if the 360 had 10 exclusives. And as a 360 gamer I know damn well you don't give a damn about me or what I get on my 360.

360 out sold the PS3 deal with it and stop being such babies, have you thought about it on a different front. Sony had more exclusives and sold less consoles. What does that tell you. Each company had their own strategies, MS went with Kinect and Sony went with MOVE and Exclusives however the 360 sold more consoles.

What else is there to complain about, if you want to whine about one of the companies perhaps you should be asking how Sony managed to let this happen. If MS out marketed Sony, that's Sony's fault not Microsofts.

Instead you're acting butt hurt and trying to downplay it and say MS had no exclusives. I have both consoles, and even with the PS3 exclusives, I bought more games for my 360. It appears that Sony has all but forgotten about MOVE.

Either way, all of these excuses and BS about the 360s lack of exclusives are just smoke and mirrors to make some of you babies feel better.

Quit being biotches and go play some games.

skrug4556d ago


"Not one single core game was effected by the release of Kinect ever. "

Fable kinect?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
Cocozero4557d ago

Official numbers say otherwise.

Frankfurt4557d ago

You have numbers more official than the ones from Sony and MS? Because those say the 360 is number 1.

k-dillinger4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

yea what they need to understand is micro and sonys fiscal year isn't ending at the same time sonys isnt ending until march 31 while micros did already so sony is at 14 milli as of Dec which gives them one more fiscal quarter which their ending year of 2011 is set to past projections if they are already at 14 and they project 15 so ill say 16 something give or take for 2011 and micro at 13 these ppl need to read between the lines and see that i cant believe noone noticed yet sony will outsell micro this year yet again micro is working at 4 quarters and sony is at 3 kinda early to celebrate

PimpDaddy4557d ago

Microsoft said that the Xbox 360 would be the number one selling console for 2011 and they delivered.

They had their best year ever with the 360. They did it without a price drop. Without all these supposed "AAA" exclusives the Sony faithful brag about but don't buy. They did it without free online. They did it even when bundling Kinect and thus making their console the most expensive console on the market. They did it without the power of the Cell and Blu-Ray.

It's time people stopped hating and started congratulating.

DragonKnight4557d ago

@PimpDaddy: Things one shouldn't be happy about...

"They did it without a price drop."

One should not be happy about that.

"Without all these supposed "AAA" exclusives the Sony faithful brag about but don't buy."

One should not be happy about this even more so. Also, one should learn the difference between flash sales and prolonged sales. Sony exclusives have legs, MS exclusives do not.

"They did it without free online."

One should be facepalming about that.

"They did it even when bundling Kinect and thus making their console the most expensive console on the market."

One should learn the sheep mentality of bundles, and understand that when people see things like "Get these 4 products for slightly more than that 1 product" they think "oh yay, a bargain" and buy it up.

"They did it without the power of the Cell and Blu-Ray."

One is stuck in 2006 and continues to use fanboy lingo.

"It's time people stopped hating and started congratulating."

One should learn that people do not congratulate those whose successes come at the cost of the happiness of the loyal base that built the foundation for said successes to exist. Why should people say "hey MS, you pretty much gave the middle finger to us core gamers that supported you until now and only released 2 core exclusives, but it's ok because you outsold Sony. Who cares that they pump out more of the kinds of games their userbase wants, we have cross game chat and love paying for it."

One might agree. But you won't.

Wintersun6164557d ago

@PimpDaddy, tell me, do you play games or do you play sales? When it comes to games the PS3 dominated the Xbox 360 this year. And don't give me any of that "exclusives don't matter because we have multiplatform games", because we all know that those exclusives are what really differentiates these consoles apart. Your comment only makes sense if you're a MS shareholder or a total fanboy, which one are you?

PimpDaddy4557d ago

Come on Dragon do better than that. My comment was meant to show that all these things that Sony faithful such as yourself tell us that makes the PS3 better and have more value did not matter in the end. Sony lost money on their games division the past 2 quarters after the price drop. They sold less consoles YOY than 2010. Microsoft had it;s most profitable quarter. Sold more consoles YOY than 2010 and had it's best year in terms of hardware sales ever. What is more significant is the 360 is now 6 years old and sales are increasing instead of the regular trend of decreasing...

My answer to both you and Wintersun is that even with the larger amount of exclusives you guys like to brag about 360 has a larger game attach ratio than PS3. They sell more games. The best selling games every year are multiplatform. Spin this however you want till you get dizzy. You can say Microsoft abandoned their core audience with Kinect. But the sales figures prove otherwise.

I own both a PS3 and 360. The only exclusive I bought this years was Gears of War 3. Everything else I bought was multiplatform and it was for my 360. I prefer XBL and the 360 controller. The only thing I bought for my PS3 was 2 Blu-Ray movies and used copies of Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2. These exclusives you brag about don't appeal to the masses of gamers outside of the Sony die hard faithful that hang out on websites like N4G. Sony exclusives don't appeal to me. Xbox 360 exclusives do. I happen to like COD. Guess I'm just a blind Microsoft sheep by your standards just because we don't share the same taste in games.

Before you call me a fanboy look in the mirror first. By you trying to form my opinion for myself by telling me what games I should want to play you are in fact acting like the biggest fanboy on this site. You play what you play and let me play what I play.

I laugh at these sales figures because it really does make the Sony faithful on this site look foolish with all their bragging points and lists of games. In the end the "less" valuable "less" powerful console with the "least" amount of exclusive games and "larger" cost to purchase console and play online just beat your console of choice in hardware. Software. Marketshare. and Profit for the year. nothing you can say, twist, manipulate, or otherwise complain about changes that.

Wintersun6164556d ago


How does Xbox360 selling well mean they haven't abandoned 1st party support on hardcore titles? Good sales and 1st party support on hardcore games are not dependent on each other. You're the one spinning things in this case. First of all, it's only natural that multiplatform games sell more than exclusives because they have double the install base. Second, it is a myth that PS3 exclusives don't sell, all of them don't sell 3 million week one, but there's multiple franchises that have sold millions of games on PS3. Thirdly, as a gamer you shouldn't be so worried about sales, but the games.

I don't care about your personal taste in games, because it's none of my business. But you should stop being hypocritical and comparing yourself to everybody else. You are not the masses. If you don't like PS3 exclusives, that doesn't mean that other people can't like them either. And again that tired excuse that PS3 exclusives don't sell. The numbers are out there for everyone to look at, and while it's true that not all PS3 exclusives are selling in millions, but some of them do.

I'm not trying to form your opinion, I'm just telling how I see it and I see it as a biased MS fanboy. Your hypocrisy and cliche lies about PS3 games not selling and nobody caring about them and thinking that you equal the masses just proves you wrong. I'm not telling you what to play, but you shouldn't be spreading lies that nobody wants to play any game if it's exclusive to PS3.

And I laugh at these same MS fanboys who really think that their console of choice selling well somehow makes their gaming better. All you do is spin the numbers and even bring old cliches and lies to the table to make it look like things are in your favor.

DragonKnight4556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

@PimpDaddy: Meh, not really trying to "try hard" lol. But anyway...

First paragraph: And my point is that it's suspicious that this comes to pass, and that you shouldn't be happy that MS is selling while screwing over the very people that made them capable of even taken the Kinect risk. You shouldn't be happy with MS' success based on how it happened. You're a gamer, not a stock holder.
And ironically, as you try and make Sony look bad by making it compete against its own numbers, it's only THIS YEAR that MS has beaten Sony WW, in about 5 years. When the PS3 was coming out and if it did anything better than the 360, MS faithfuls like you were quick to dismiss it as being a one time thing. Well, for years now the PS3 has outsold the 360 WW and now that ONE YEAR has been different look how quickly you revert to Past behaviors. Can you say that this will happen again?

Second Paragraph: Of course you'll have a better attach ratio with LESS games to sell. You have to exclude multiplats because they are on both systems and are NOT an indicator of the strength of either system. Looking strictly at exclusive games, Sony has dozens of franchises, MS has 4. Give people too many games to choose from, and they'll have to pick which ones to buy now and which to buy later. Give people 4 games to choose from a year, and of course it'll sell like mad. Basic math. Where was this attitude when the PS3 was about the multiplat games in its early years eh? Funny how things have changed.

Third paragraph: You are not the masses. It's your choice to ignore games in favor of the same ol same ol you get on the 360. If you look at the sales of PS3 games, you'll notice that they have legs. They don't do flash sales then burn out the next time a new game comes out. They consistently sell over a long period of time, but the MS generation would have you believing that if you don't sell at least 5 million in your first week you're a failure. WRONG! GT5 says hi, and it's still selling well.

Fourth Paragraph: I don't recall calling you a fanboy or telling you what you should be playing. I recall telling you that MS has screwed you over and you're loving it.

Final Paragraph: Wow, one year eh? Ok, when it does it for 5 years in a row, then come back and we'll talk. Until then, meh.

360FTW24556d ago

@Pimpdaddy - Very well said, and nice intellectual response to and ignorant group of counter arguments.

Bubbles up.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4556d ago
ZippyZapper4557d ago

Excuses coming in 3..

I'm way late

GribbleGrunger4557d ago

these are the exact words Balmer used:

'Xbox 360 has 66 million users worldwide'

an interesting choice of words.

SuperLupe4557d ago Show
GribbleGrunger4557d ago

oh brother. never mind son, one day you'll understand why PS3 owners have been astonished at 360 owners. one Christmas and you think it's '...all gone away with pixie dust...' bless. of course i'm just a fanboy... what else could i be? well done MS, i say. it's quite a feat stretching a 3.5 million lead into a 4 million lead. it's not quite as astonishing as reducing an 8 million lead to a 4 million lead, but, eh, what the hell, gloat away.

TheRealHeisenberg4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

@ GG

You are what your comments say you are. One day you'll understand why real gamers have been astonished at "some" PS3 owners and "some" 360 owners.

@ Colwyn

Do you even care how you look right now?

gamingdroid4557d ago


So now we are down to, Sony is ahead 4 years cumulative? MS pulled ahead 1.7-1.8 million in one quarter and they did it without Japan. Even the Europeans are now buying significantly more Xbox 360's.

MS did all that without a price drop, which the competition did. I said it before, MS' Xbox 360 had an increasing average selling price earlier this year suggesting demand was really strong. This comes as no surprise and I predicted this a while back.

If anything, MS still has their ace a price drop....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4557d ago
SuperLupe4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

I'll wait for intergalactic sales thank you.

The USA sales dont count and now I have decided nor do worldwide sales.

We need the solar system sales to see that PS3>360.

iamgoatman4557d ago

But then we'll get "the 360 may be leading in the Milky Way, but the PS3 is outselling it universally."

dredgewalker4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Actually the sales of the Wii, PS3 and 360 are horrible on other solar systems. They're just too primitive for alien consumers. Also the controllers aren't ergonomic for some aliens since they don't have hands :P

nnotdead4557d ago

what about all the parallel universes? i heard that on Earth 3, the PS3 is already over 150 million sold.

Tainted Gene4557d ago

@ supelupe
Best post I have ready in a looong time man. Good laughs.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4557d ago
Colwyn4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Video game consoles main function is to?


Within the past few years ive been waiting on quality titles for the xbox 360 which are majority of the time exclusive titles. i love gears , alan wake , halo reach and a few others but gears is my favourite. i literally waited for proper games for the xbox for months upon months chanting rubbish about the xbox 360 being the best because i hated the UI on the ps3 and that most of my friends had a 360. a few times my xbl gold account ran out while im waiting to play proper games or games of my liking but after a few times of waiting i realize that i can have fun on the ps3 and i dont need constant connection with my mates on the xbox because there isnt any party chat.

xbox 360 is a good system but logically speaking, the ps3 is way better in a lot of ways. i know some will say they like the xbox or wii or whatever which is fine but video game consoles are about games and there are so many exclusive proper games on the ps3 that a person will find a lot they like (IF THEY ARE GAMERS)on the ps3. i still like the xbox 360 but i realize that im wasting money on xbl when there are few games to play and older games from years ago dont interest me as much as newer games with better tech. i will play few games from the past library but its not often. im not a fangirl but i love love the exclusive titles on the consoles which have such higher quality than majority of the multiplatform titles.i dont need to buy every multiplatform games that are released and i know there are a few gems like majin and the forsaken kingdom but the facts still remains that exclusives are so much better majority of the time. i do wish that most games would be released for the pc instead with high spec requirements and look like bf3 or crysis but i guess its not possible. the thing about the xbox 360 though is that a precedent has been set because microsoft realize alot of people would be willing to pay 100quid a year for xbl and xbox 720 might usher in such a fee.

i dont want a chat station or sales station, I WANT A PlayStation

EVILDEAD3604557d ago

Talk about winning the most 'off topic' rant of the year award.

dark-hollow4557d ago

The main hobby of a gamer is

****PLAY GAMES****
so why don't you go play instead of commenting on topics you don't care about.

morkendo234557d ago

how is it POOOSSIBLE MS have 66 million sales?? with only 2 or 3 games?? last 2 years.
this is FLAMEBAIT. im sure half of those sales came from banned or RROD sales.

Rynx4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

What exactly is everyone celebrating about again? Are they only reading the summary up here, or the entire article?

Because according to the article they are basing these results on THEIR own calculations, using the reports from ONLY the holiday season. The entire article is riddled with such phrases as "According to our data" and "According to data compiled by GeekWire" (the website where this article comes from)

Now correct me if I'm wrong but SONY has YET to give out their report for the entire year worldwide. Let's just wait until those come out and not jump the gun based on some websites calculations.

Even so if this website turns out to be accurate then according to this quote the 360 only beat out the PS3 by 800k, that's really something to gloat about? Hasn't the PS3 been beating out the 360 yearly by, at LEAST, over 2 mil?:

"The Xbox 360′s strong holiday quarter also put the Microsoft console ahead in worldwide sales globally for the full year of 2011, with 14.9 million units sold, compared with 14.1 million for the PS3 and 10.33 million for the Wii."

I can't believe nobody caught that. Let's just wait for the official yearly reports, shall we? It's around the corner anyway. Oh who am I kidding.

GroundsKeeperJimbo4557d ago

The 1/4 that Sony hasn't reported is the current one, these are the holiday numbers and 2011 as a whole.

Aloren4557d ago

"Even so if this website turns out to be accurate then according to this quote the 360 only beat out the PS3 by 800k, that's really something to gloat about? Hasn't the PS3 been beating out the 360 yearly by, at LEAST, over 2 mil?: "

Well, I think It did in 2009 when the slim came out, and that's all... I mean the gap is only 2 million smaller than it was back in november 06, so it's not like either of them has incredibly outperformed the other (well, except when the slim came out...).

dark-hollow4557d ago

The world doesn't equal the world.

Dread4557d ago


Best comment ever!

Good one dude

JokesOnYou4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

Great post EVIL.

Yes Morgan the fiscal year for Sony ends on March 31st, so does nintendo but microsofts ends on June 30 thats why just about everybody has used calendar year totals for equal comparison of yearly worldwide sales....its been that way for years now. In fact most on this site have touted the same reports in the past when referencing ps3 marginal worldwide sales lead over 360. Either way fiscal year or not both sales totals are from the same length of time......sometimes you just got to give credit where credit is due micro has built a strong brand, especially in America its become the most preferred console for online gaming, which I believe is what's really driving its current success.

Caffo014556d ago


"The top 5 exclusive franchises are Halo, Gears,Mass Effect, Fable, and Forza"

I have 2 questions for you

- How can this be a fact?

- how can you have 6 bubbles with these idiotic comments?

cyborg69714556d ago

The reason evil has so many bubbles is because the bubble system is broke. Before it changed to this lame ass format he had one bubble. I miss the open zone.

Raoh4556d ago

So will xbox fans finally admit what we ps3 fans been saying all along that the ps3 has been beating the 360 all this time?

I'm just saying, the ps3 obviously has not been doing as bad as some claimed if the 360 is just now making this claim.

finbars754556d ago (Edited 4556d ago )

Why would you disagree with GraceLord?it is true.They have always just went by what they shipped period.I could care less how many consoles they sold to a store I care more about the actual numbers that where sold to homes.Its very inaccurate numbers to go by.If Sony tracks sales only thats real numbers.If nintendo went by tracking sales as well I would give them props to.Xbox cleary didnt sell legit consoles to people if there just sitting on shelves in the back storage room of walmart.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4555d ago
GraySnake4557d ago

this was bashed out all day yesterday...why do we need another copy of it?

Stryfeno24557d ago

Popcorn and beer time....this is going to be good.

Silly gameAr4557d ago (Edited 4557d ago )

So happy had to right an article about it. Certain numbers are suspect but we won't get into that.

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave31d ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6028h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro247h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro247h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Microsoft is discounting the Xbox 360 store up to 90% before it shuts down for good

Microsoft has slashed the prices of games across the Xbox 360 store in preparation for its July 29th closure.

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Tacoboto10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

The Dishwasher
Vigilante 8

Two non-BC and no-PC-version Arcade titles I downloaded recently. Dishwasher's sequel is on Steam at least.

I've also downloaded Ninety-Nine Nights II (shame the first wasn't available). I still want to download Burnout 3: Takedown before the weekend's up, though that is still the full $9.99 non-discounted price

franwex7h ago

Burnout 3 not available in modern times is a crime to humanity.

I know it’s probably due to the music licensing-though they can simply add other music as Burnout 3’s biggest flaw to me personally-is the music!!!

GamerRN1h ago

Burnout 3, Risk Factions... I would kill for either of those


Xbox gamers warned they've 72 hours before a ton of classic games are gone forever

The Xbox 360 Marketplace is officially shutting down in three days, which means dozens of exclusive, digital-only 360 games will no longer be available to purchase anywhere else once it does.

The Xbox 360 will be almost 20 years old next year, and to celebrate this milestone Microsoft have decided to obliterate all of its online functionality.

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shadowT16h ago

Phil Spencer: "Game preservation is critical to us at Team Xbox."

14h agoReplies(7)
darthv7212h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Technically, the games ARE preserved... they are just removing the ability to purchase new games through the 360. They have to keep a full backup of every title (even delisted ones) because they will have to offer the ability to redownload purchased content to users.

I had deleted some games a few years back that had become delisted. I was able to get them back by going through my download history. The games in question were TMNT (classic and re-shelled), afterburner climax and outrun online. Im glad I was able to get those back as they are some of the best on the service.

Lightning7711h ago

Well The Ultimate Alliance games have been delisted. I dunno how many old Activision games have been Delisted but MS needs to remake or remaster old Activision games and release them on Xbox and PS. I. Hope that's what they're doing right now.

They can't reserve everything but they 100% can reserve what they got or own.

Vits13h ago

Fortunately, the X360 was jailbroken a long time ago, so a good part of its library is available for download from 'alternative' sources. Still, it's a bummer to see the store going away.

Inverno11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

Dawn of The First Day
-72 Hours Remain-

Also they can keep the store up for life if they wanted.

hiawa2310h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Series X for the back compat titles, and OG Xbox and X360 for those not on BC. I pretty much bought all of the digital games I want for the 360 so I am good.

anast8h ago

They are holding games hostage so people spend more money. This is some sleazy stuff.

Reaper22_7h ago

No, not telling you would be sleazy. I have a few more games to buy then I'm good. 360 was and still is a great console. Xbox is the best place to play!

anast6h ago

I'm not sure we are on the same page.

kennyg1233h ago

you guys will really defend xbox no matter what they do

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