
New Meikyu Toro Legasista Information, Art and Screenshots Released. Multiple Crossovers Detailed.

Nippon Ichi Software has been very liberal in releasing information on the upcoming Meikyu Toro Legasista, that will hit the Japanese shelves on March the 15th exclusively for the PS3.

Today they did it again, sending over another sizable batch of information, screenshots and artwork of the game.

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[Gaming Evolution] Legasista Review

In a time when science and technology have fallen into an age of mythology, one stalwart young man must venture into the mysterious confines of the Ivy Tower to save his sister with the help of a certain relic, an ancient weapon in the form of a girl, which can undo the legacy of his trapped sister. Create and recruit allies, battle monsters, avoid traps, and loot dungeons in this Survival Action RPG, powered by bean sprouts!

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Legasista First Ten Minutes

"With Legasista releasing next week, many gamers are wondering just what it will be about. " - JPS

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Legasista Exclucive RPG for PS3: Debut Trailer & Screen Shots

T-Hill writes: Legasista brings back feelings of nostalgia, seeing it reminds me of my days playing Secret Of Mana! Being able to switch out players on the fly will make the classic RPG gridng, that much more manageable. Exclusive for the PS3, we will see if this title can live up to the bar set by it’s predecessors.

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Dante1124450d ago (Edited 4450d ago )

Man, Sony sure is pumping out those exclusives. I love that they have a variety of genres instead of just exclusive shooters as well (More options).

4450d ago Replies(1)
Snookies124450d ago (Edited 4450d ago )

Hahahaha, classic NIS trailer in the second half after the song... The whole reason I bought Disgaea 4 day one was because it had the most hilarious trailer I'd ever seen for a game. (I do not regret that amazing purchase by the way.)

This game looks really cool though! Reminds me of old school stuff, and if it's anything like the Disgaea series, it'll have at least 100+ hours of gameplay you can put into it. XD

EDIT: Wait, PSN? So it's a PSN game? That is awesome if it's not going to be 60 dollars!

dark-hollow4450d ago

Jrpgs are always welcomed in my book.

rhap4450d ago

Great games coming this year for PS3, looking forward Mugen Souls as well.

Gamer19824450d ago

Wow this is old skool. I like old skool but not this old.. LOL bring back suikoden damn it! I know its a differnt dev but I miss 2D classic JRPGs like Suikoden and Breath Of Fire on consoles. Damn graphics ruined everything!

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