
NWR: Zen Pinball 3D Review

NWR: Zen Pinball 3D is Zen Studios’ first release on a Nintendo console. Their popular pinball titles have seen great success on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, iOS, and Android market places, but is the 3DS release on par with their previous games?

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Zen Studios "could not rush" Star Wars Pinball 3D, "complex" process behind DLC delays

"Mel Kirk of Zen Studios spoke to BeefJack via a brief email interview, elaborating on Star Wars Pinball 3D as well as the team's rationale behind the postponed release and DLC plans."

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Star Wars Pinball not coming to Wii U?

Since the delay North America release of Zen Pinball 2 for the Wii U wasn't bad enough, Zen Studios just announced Star Wars Pinball as DLC tables for all digital stores except for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

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LackTrue4K4248d ago (Edited 4248d ago )

this is just sad, a simple game as Pinball not coming to the Wii U. I can all really see that the Wii U wont be getting 3rd party support again like the Wii did (what i call support is, games that look and play the same on all 3 platforms not watered down)
If a game like this is not on all 3 platforms, what luck will it have with big hitting games like COD, Battlefield, and others. Next gen games are coming, but not to the Wii U.
i know Nintendo has the best 1st party support, but people can't live with the same games, on what looks to be a slightly better console.
"I wish them luck in turning all this around"

PopRocks3594248d ago

Maybe the developer needed to cut back, like THQ did? I'm just saying, it's not outside the realm of reality. I doubt this has anything to do with specs issues.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4247d ago

WiiU fans should be asking for farcry 3.

RFornillos44247d ago (Edited 4247d ago )

first up, it's only the Star Wars Pinball DLC that's reportedly not coming to the Wii U...

also, a recent twitter update already mentioned that its coming for the Wii U.

Starfox174247d ago

It's obviously Sony paying for exclusivity as its on vita and ps3 ect ? who cares

lodossrage4247d ago

And how exactly would Sony be paying for exclusivity if those same tables are also going to Xbox Live's Pinball FX2?

WilliamH4247d ago

Could it not be that Zen Pinball has not sold very well on Nintendo platforms.

lodossrage4247d ago

That's not it. Because the Wii U IS getting the tables as well

paul19744247d ago

Can you people not read!!! it says Twitter update Zen Star Wars tables ARE coming to Wii U! my word some people on here are just dumb or just want to knock Nintendo!!

I have Zen pinball for wii u and the dev on miiverse confirmed this and an exciting new announcement! people!

Starfox174247d ago (Edited 4247d ago )

I just read the comments and assumed they did their research never mind i'm not interested anyway.

They announced it is coming to wiiu ? childish fanboys hang ur heads in shame.

rataranian4247d ago

Instead youll have to just play Star Wars Kinect for 360 instead. ..Forever. =D

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Zen Studios is officially working on 3DS DLC

Zen Studios has been very busy lately on releasing Zen Pinball 2 to multiple High-Definition gaming consoles, especially PS Vita. It has been awhile since Zen Studios release a downloadable Pinball collection on the Nintendo 3DS with a more practical viewing of the carnified machinery known as Stereoscopic 3D.

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