
IGN - Why I Prefer League of Legends Over Dota 2

IGN - Valve's Dota 2, currently in beta, is a beautiful, loyal recreation of the fan-made Warcraft III mod that spawned a sub-genre, and it's still missing about half the original's roster. It's really good, as anyone who has played (or even watched) it can attest. But thanks to League of Legends, I just can't enjoy it the way fans of the original will.

cheeto1014624d ago

This is why Dota2 is going to have a hard time in the North American market. The original Dota never got really big over here, but League has gotten huge. People who come from league are going to try one or two games of Dota2, realize just how steep the learning curve is, then go back to LoL.

Both games are fantastic games, but Dota's learning curve is so steep that tons of players are going to get scared off.

Theo11304624d ago

I tried Dota 2 for about a week and I can say i prefer LoL much more. It just seems more streemlined, with the intent of getting you back out into the battlefield. In Dota 2, I was so confused by the crafting and buying system that it took me a couple of minutes just to find out what something did, and how to craft it.

soundslike4624d ago

On top of that HoN exists if people do want something more complex than LoL.

I honestly see no value in DoTA 2 what-so-ever

LoL ftw

MrGunny944624d ago

DOTA only got famous over here in Europe, and still i love more DOTA then LoL, the Lol community is ONE OF THE WORST Communitys i've ever met... It's similar to the CoD community ( THE BAD SIDE of the CoD community, there's good people too)

LoL is way to easy and a mainstream because it's a F2P

The Rune,Mastery and Summoner's spell system is just... retarded and makes easy to win and kill

For me DOTA all the way... .Hope i can get a beta invite soon... I'm tired of LoL

zen5554624d ago

LoL is the WoW of the dota genre, that's just a fact. It is a completely dumbed down version of dota/hon that is catering toward the participation trophy generation. Dota has a much more difficult learning curve and will turn a lot of players off.

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