
Block Zombies! Review: Night of the Living Legos (Armless Octopus)

'Thanks, I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1. Thanks for your addictive gameplay. Thanks for your stupid, catchy song. Thanks for creating a template that countless mindless, shambling hordes of games have imitated, and shamelessly refused to improve upon. The twin-stick shooter may be the most prolific genre represented in Xbox Live Indie Games, but most are redundant experiences that aren’t even worth Microsoft’s server space. But every so often a game like Block Zombies! comes around, shuffles the pieces up just enough, and mixes in a few new wrinkles to come out with something that feels fresh and fun.'

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Indie Theory Review - Block Zombies (XBLIG)

How does a twin-stick voxel-based zombie shooter sound to you? More importantly, is it good?

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Block Zombies (XBLIG) Review | Trendy Gamers

Trendy Gamers: This game’s had me scratching my head for some time now. Block Zombies is entirely derivative and extremely repetitive. The game shows off in the first ten minutes just about everything that can be expected throughout its two-hour or so completion time. It’s a twin-stick shooter with zombies, making for an amalgamation of two of the most ubiquitous and overdone archetypes in today’s gaming world. It lacks any multiplayer support or genuine replay value. All of these add up to a game that I would normally write off as a dime-a-dozen bore. The question, thus, that I just can’t seem to answer, is why am I so madly in love with this game? Why is this a game that I’m so proud to show off to my friends, and why are they all instantly smitten with it like me? There must be some kind of voodoo going on here, because what should be a lame entry into the Xbox Live Indie Game section may just be the most outrageously fun and charming game a single dollar can buy.

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Block Zombies Now Available In The Xbox Live Indie Section

Nostatic Software announced that their new Xbox Live Indie Game, Block Zombies, is now available for just 80 MSP ($1).

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BootHammer4628d ago

Gotta admit that looks pretty fun ;)

TrendyGamers4628d ago

They really did a great job on the visual style.