
Mario is too mainstream? Indie game characters certainly think so

Braid and Limbo-guy diss Mario for going too mainstream and becoming unoriginal. But are they original themselves?

zeal0us4532d ago (Edited 4532d ago )

Don't get the Nintendo fans piss. They will defend Mario to the death.

ShaunCameron4531d ago

How? The average Nintendo fan isn't fretting over comments made by a bunch of no-name developers. They're too busy playing SM3DL.

Venjense4532d ago

Mario status is the dream of probably EVERY indie, so they can stop acting like they don't want massive success.

matey4532d ago

indie devs are waste of space anyway in this day an age you need AAA games every time in my eyes or they get overshadowed by the cream of the crop Mario/Samus/Link ect

ShaunCameron4531d ago

I wouldn't say that, but the ones bad-mouthing Mario are just plain bitter they haven't made an IP that generated even FlingSmash-level fanfare yet.

Fishy Fingers4532d ago (Edited 4532d ago )

Kind of understandable, Nintendo (like MS) have a platform to uphold and support, obviously they'll use the 'face' of the company to their upmost, that generally means becoming as commercial and mainstream as possible.

Indie teams obviously have less overheads etc and have more freedom to exercise their creative side, largely the reason they're in the industry. Not being forced appeal to the lowest common denominater like Mario or Halo.

While of course they're in the business to be successful, to some indie devs, retaining their dignity is as important as teh monies!!!1

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JagX22313d ago

Wouldn't the answer here be ... all of them?

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VenomUK323d ago

It's now time for somebody to go up to Xbox Live Gold whilst it's fast asleep, then hold a pillow tight over its mouth until it stops breathing.

crazyCoconuts323d ago

This is game pass though. Doesn't seem that much better right now.

Profchaos323d ago

Looking at the quality of games mixing the two up in this case it's an easy mistake to make

BrainSyphoned323d ago

I forgot Everspace 2 released so I'm happy with this month.

Profchaos323d ago

Well I guess we know where all that gamepass money is going right into a giant s labelled bucket

ChasterMies323d ago

Microsoft is spending $70B on Activision. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for other AAA games.

monkey602323d ago

I've really wanted to play A Short Hike and Airborne Kingdom for a while now so it's cool they've been added but yeah I don't see this exciting the masses

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