
Metal Gear Rising: What In the Hell is a Revengeance?

East of Nowhere takes a look at one of the trailers for Metal Gear Rising as a part of a series that analyzes upcoming games.

They also ask a very important question. What exactly is a Revengeance?

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Stuart57564627d ago

What exactly is a Revengeance?

A load of crap that replaces what looked like a fantastic game. Metal Gear Solid: Rising looked awesome. Revengeance looks to be Vanquish meets Bayonetta, Kojima should have buried the project rather than let Platinum Games take over.

RedDead4626d ago (Edited 4626d ago )

Rising wasn't good apparently, Revengeance is good apparently. Kojima hasn't failed me yet.

"Vanquish meets Bayonetta"

What the **** is wrong with that? That's a sublime mix

I agree MGS fans can be disappointed that this game went from an MGS game with swordplay instead of guns to a full on Action game....but the game as it is now also looks amazing.

MAJ0R4626d ago

as a game I'm sure it will be good, but really shouldn't have the Metal Gear name. If Kojima is really working on MGS5, I will forgive him. I just hope it's not a first person shooter ;)

D3mons0ul4626d ago

^Man, who are you to decide that? This isn't your IP. Your physical copy of each game might but you're not titled to shit as far as game design goes.

Know what else? If you want it to be changed or have a problem with it, make a petition. Vote it out. Get your voice out there if it's such a big deal.

Think it shouldn't be called metal gear? petition it. See how much support you have.

Everybody likes to nitpick and bicker but nobody really tries to vote on these discrepancies or get anything done. Just troll troll troll troll troll troll troll

And not all of this is directed specifically at you MAJ0R.

baodeus4626d ago

here this site will help if anyone want to start petition.


rezzah4626d ago

re implies a return to something already attempted.

vengeance is fighting back the cause of pain.

Revengeance implies the second attempt of vengeance on the same source.

If it was titled 2nd Vengeance then it would mean the first vengeance already took place. Which leads to the belief that there is more then 1 source of suffering; exmaple 2 persons instead of 1. this would make the story confusing as we never played or know about the 1st vengeance.

So even if revengeance is not a word add the separate meanings and it will make sense.

WildArmed4626d ago

Honestly, this reminds me of the tangent that MGS went w/ the AC!D franchise.

Sometimes we might all want to forget about in the upcoming decade.
But I hope that isn't the case, I'll try to stay optimistic for this game... or at least give it a fair chance (DEMO PLEASE <3)

h311rais3r4626d ago

Considering words are made up all the time throughout history? Wtf is the big deal.

D3mons0ul4626d ago

At this point people are just looking for reasons to complain. I'll admit the title is stupid but the complaining about it should have ended long ago, it has no bearing on the content of the game. How much do you see the logo or title of the game while you're playing it anyway?

OH NO, A STUPID WORD IS ON YOUR CASE!!! BURN IT!!! IT'S ON THE DISC AND MANUAL TOO!!!! ON NO!!! and it's on a brief screen before you get into the game, then you play the game and don't have to see it anymore.

I wonder if that's a real phobia.

camel_toad4626d ago (Edited 4626d ago )

Revengeance is when you get vengeance TWICE!

Or maybe its when someone gets revenge on you who you got revenge on before... Boggles the mind!

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Konami "sorry for getting people's hopes up" as PC version of Revengeance still not available Japan

"Firstly, we owe all our Japanese fans of MGR: Revengeance a big apology for that," said Jiro Oishi, Metal Gear series producer.

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Gamehard7d ago

Wish they'd do a current gen console release of this. Hopefully on MGS Master Collection Vol. 2!

Venoxn4g6d ago

Revengeance should come to Master Collection


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