
Reviewcast First Impressions: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Demo

There’s been some buzz surrounding Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning lately. While it’s been viewed by some as a potentially good game for a while now, it seems to have only hit the collective conscious around the start of this year, as we move closer to its intended release date.

A lengthy demo hit the 360 a few days ago, and as someone who’s been itching to get their hands on the game, I jumped at the chance to check it out.

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baboom2234534d ago

Honestly, I totally agree.

I personally wasn't expecting much and the game seemed pretty okay, its got potential.

soundslike4534d ago

Name one other full fledged RPG with a combat system as deep and fluid as this game.

Despite any perceived flaws with anything else, thats what has me sold. That, and its not a sea of grey and black.

baboom2234534d ago

Dark Souls... but I don't think combat is the main focus

Bigpappy4534d ago (Edited 4534d ago )

The game world is very oldschool in design. There is nothing wrong with that, and I think the focust of this team was combat and giving the player a lot of choice with combat style and weapons. If they are able to keep the enemies, combat and stories fresh and engaging, I'll say the game would have suceeded.

When you reach the open world, with the towns and such, you really get a feel that the game will have plenty of content and lots of ways to approach combat. I will leave my full judgement until I play it, but I am going to play this game for sure. It is not like Skyrim, but it is not trying to be. It looks to be a good first game, but I think they should get feed back, and if the design of the world ends up being the biggest complaint, they should have some one, experienced, help the 'commic book' guy design a more modernized open world. But as I said, we have to play it first. People may end up prefering this type of design for this type of action game.

I enjoyed the demo, but saw some AI flaws, which is my biggest concern at this point. I haven't seen anything that would stop it from being playable, but some of the enemies stop attacking during battles. I only saw it a couple time when fighting a group of enemies, but overall they did what you would expect. We shall see in a few weeks.


Looking Back at Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning

Do you remember the good old days, when video games put fast hack-and-slashing combat sequences and extensive levelling systems first and a deep narrative with memorable characters second? BigHuge Games certainly banked on gamers holding some kind of nostalgia for those titles of yore with their fantasy RPG Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning.

DacO2416d ago

Best action rpg of its generation. Loved it.

Soulst0rmer2416d ago

This deserves to be on Switch

execution172416d ago

Loved the world and combat, just horrible timing for the release tho :/

Matrix62416d ago

Would play a remaster next gen

taijutsu3632416d ago (Edited 2416d ago )

This is hilarious that i would see an article after I went and re-bought the game and playing it all week! I love the QTEs in this game its satisfying, the combat is fluid where you can switch from weapons to magic so easily, the weapons, armor, quests, character customizations, lore, world, voice acting, are all great this game has almost everything you'd need and want from an RPG!

I really wish there was going to be a KoAR 2!

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Top 10 Games of Last Generation Countdown - Number 6

COG writes - The games of the last generation were amazing and the COGconnected team decided to get together to countdown their favorites. The countdown inches to number 6 and the games are starting to get good... real good.

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2688d ago

Phoenix Down 49.2 – Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

The journey comes to an end.

InMyOpinion2954d ago

Would LOVE to see a sequel to this brilliant game. Wouldn't mind a remake for current gen systems either.

Hypnotic2954d ago

Last I heard this studio went out of business so I would think a remaster is pretty unlikely.

InMyOpinion2952d ago

Never say never, Darksiders 2 got a remaster.

phantomexe2954d ago

I think EA owns the rights to it now. I loved the game as well. A rare gem overlooked.

rezzah2953d ago

Went into a cave for a mission...Mission glitches and I can't start the mission or exit the cave...Auto save and manual saves are within the cave....I messed up so bad I quit. Really good game though.

hazelamy2953d ago

such a great game, shame about the studio.
to produce something of that quality as their first title, just imagine what they could have done with more experience.