
Ten ridiculously awesome video game crossovers that need to happen

GameZone writes, "With Street Fighter X Tekken and Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney under production, we can't help but ponder what other crossover opportunities developers have yet to capitalize on. What characters are you dying to see come together in a match or as a team? Below are ten video game collisions that need to happen."

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TheSanchezDavid4532d ago

I really want Mario Kart to start featuring characters from Zelda, Kirby, and Star Fox. That would be pretty cool.

A Scribblenauts RPG would be great, too.

Also, sex mini-game for Lara Croft and Nathan Drake.

ChiVoLok04531d ago

I've always wanted Ratchet and Jak in a game. I know they are on that one Move game but that game sucks.

trenso14531d ago

to be fair there is a mario kart level in smash bros. but i would love driving as kirby stealing power ups. or pokemon trainer sending a groudon to shake the track.


Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

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Hitman celebrates 25 years with new content, events, and more in October

The month of October is going to be filled with excitement as the Hitman franchise is commemorating its 25 years of being in the business.

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-Foxtrot255d ago

It’s the 25th anniversary this year?

I’d have assumed it would have gotten something like a remastered trilogy of the original games or a remake of the first game. Something for a 25th celebration.

Super lacklustre


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