
Call of Duty 10: Now Infinity Ward's Hiring For 'Next-Gen'

NowGamer: 2013 Call of Duty studio hiring for 'next-gen' project.

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Feckles4538d ago

I think next-gen could be when we see a few changes to the order of things. Like Call of Duty being the number one online shooter.

It's the perfect time for someone else to step up and take that crown, I bet DICE can't wait to get a Battlefield game up and running on the next Xbox/PS4.

Fishy Fingers4538d ago

Would it matter, DICE have built a "better" product, a far superior engine with benchmark visuals and destruction. Still COD is as big as ever. If they can carry over they're "fun factor" with next-gen, theres no reason COD cant continue its success, no matter how many pixels the competition maybe pushing.

PS. I'm a BF fan, prefer it to COD, I only add that as if you dont completely bash COD, N4G will surely label me a "sheep" or "kid" or whatever the "cool" insult is for people who like playing COD, this week.

LightofDarkness4538d ago

This week's insult is "silly billy." You silly billy.

But in fairness, I don't care if you play COD, I quite enjoyed the wager matches in BLOPS. They were fast, arcadey fun that has been missing in these military shooters of late, it kind of felt like playing Goldeneye back in the day.

So there is fun to be had in playing COD.

Ducky4538d ago (Edited 4538d ago )

DICE has had to sacrifice a few things, such as the 60fps frame-rate in order to achieve the visuals/destruction.
That isn't exactly a small sacrifice and I think that's why CoD has been ahead of everyone else; it is able to achieve better controls.

Frame-rate isn't exactly a factor on PC, and it appears that CoD's popularity there has been declining, so perhaps consoles will follow suit if both games performed on the same level.
So, in next-gen, if someone can out-do CoD in gameplay, performance, and visuals, then they'll be able to take it down. 2 out of 3 isn't enough.

FlashXIII4538d ago

Activision are too smart/greedy to allow their competitors this sort of advantage.. my guess is that MW4 will be a launch game for next gen consoles.

GraveLord4538d ago

True. It is time for change. But you think Call of Duty won't have huge exciting changes as well?

Same gameplay but with, more air support active at once, destructible environments and of course better graphics.

I know what you're going to say. "Battlefield 3 already had destructible environments!" yeah but I prefer the gameplay of COD. The pace, the game modes, everything.

skyward4538d ago

Let's see what Crytek has been sitting on with a next-gen launch title. IW are gonna need a bigger (better) boat (engine).

Ezio20484538d ago

i love COD series and currently digging into MW3 & KZ3 both but i am honestly saturated with the graphics of COD games. i mean i remember that until COD 4 (or even MW2), the games' visuals were spectacular but since the competition has been upped drastically, IW does require to push their limits and give me COD in a new look, better animation, etc.

really hope MW4 makes my dream true!!
please IW...

artdafoo4537d ago

Let me be the first to crush your dreams here and now. Next gen COD games will look like MW3. Sorry

hot1114538d ago

Rockstar is hiring for next gen too

next gen is coming quickly whether internet nerds like it or not

Urrakia344538d ago

This is Activision guys, they're probably already planning the development of next-next-gen CoD and its respective DLC packs.

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That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

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DaniMacYo133d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer88133d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder133d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex133d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake133d ago (Edited 133d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy133d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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Modern Warfare 3 SBMM Questions Ignored by Sledgehammer in Reddit AMA

In a recent AMA, Sledgehammer Games painstakingly ignored every single one of the dozens of Modern Warfare 3 SBMM comments and questions,

thorstein212d ago (Edited 212d ago )

SBMM = Skill Based Match Making for anyone who didn't know.

gigoran8211d ago

So what's the problem? Are streamers being matched with actual competent players and getting destroyed without their cheats?

Sephiroushin211d ago (Edited 211d ago )

No, the problem is a player get matched with all other below average team mates and another team is 1 average player the rest players above average ... its like having a team of pro vs a team of newbies this was all leaked through patents you can play with friends and it get more balanced, but then everyone is just camping and the only way to win is well camping which in turn is well not anything close to fun.


Infinity Ward Opens New Studio in Austin, Texas

Activision developer Infinity Ward has opened a new studio in Austin, Texas, which will work on the Call of Duty franchise.

"Infinity Ward has opened a brand new studio in Austin, TX," reads an advertisement from the developer.

"The studio will work on creating new and innovative experiences for Call of Duty and create state of the art technology to power them. Our studio provides a safe, trusting, and empowering environment to unleash your creativity and help make the extraordinary."

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Flawlessmic212d ago

Another dev team for call of duty, like there isn't enough currently........ yayyyy

Well this atleast partly confirms yearly releases are definitely remaining, doubling down if anything.

Rynxie212d ago

That's what we need, two call of duties every year. I'm calling it.

Brazz212d ago

Hopefully, with more studios they can make better COD, 4h campaings are unacceptable.

Killer2020UK212d ago

🎉 Call of Duty Q1, Call of Duty Q2, Call of Duty Q3, Call of Duty Q4 🎉