
The Best and Worst of 2011's Special Editions

GP: "Year in and year out, gamers are flooded with enough games to satiate people with even the most eclectic palettes. Now that we have set 2011 in our collective rear view mirror and engaged in everlasting debates comparing games unlike one another, at least one thing is certain: this year welcomed a copious amount of quality titles, many of which were simultaneously released with their own Limited and Collector's Editions despite continued economic woes for many game companies and consumers.

The bulk of consumers are usually content with the actual video game itself, but for those who wish to celebrate their fandom with trinkets and digital content, these special editions can be great additions to a collection. Sadly, special editions are like the games themselves- significantly varied in both quality and value. So which special editions were the best of 2011 (or the best individual pieces) and which were best left behind?"

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rrquinta4539d ago

Interesting idea. I wish we could get the golden nunchuck here like you can in Japan.

JohnApocalypse4539d ago

the only special edition I bought last this year (Well, one that cost more) is the Deus Ex Augmented edition. Only 10 quid more

brettyd4539d ago

thats my favorite special edition this year, simple nice packaging. I don't need toys or figurines just give me a nice case.

Fatty4539d ago

It's too bad the author didn't mention the CE for The Witcher 2. It had so many things in it (huge art book, dice & cards, coins, DLC, papercraft) and a stone bust of Geralt, not just a plastic statue. Other than that it was a decent list.

Brownghost4539d ago (Edited 4539d ago )

so worth the money and better than a dragon statue

Fatty4539d ago

It definitely is worth the price. I buy a lot of CEs and it's probably my all-time favorite in terms of the total package. My only qualm with it was the plastic they use to hold the stuff in the box was cracked when I got it (and given the weight, I'm not surprised it happened). Other than that, yeah, wonderful extras that run the gamut in a nice looking box for an already great game. Can't beat that.

JohnkyKong4539d ago

The Witcher 2 CE was very nice for the price, but I had a similar issue to the packaging that Fatty mentioned. I had a broken bust in one and decimated plastic in the second. It took three, but I finally got one that was not flawed. The most impressive object from W2 CE was definitely the bust, a very non-game oriented feel to it. Was definitely on the fence as to whether this was a shipping or packaging issue, but leaning towards the latter.

Only one other CE arrived broken this year, though... so it definitely left a bit of a soured taste. Either way, the contents definitely warranted the cost and was a much better deal than most *peers at Saints Row 3*

GraveLord4539d ago

I'm pretty happy with my MW3 collector's edition. I'm probably not planning on buying this years COD so getting all that DLC for a huge discount is a huge plus.


Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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GhostScholar17d ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder17d ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing6917d ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

Popsicle16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Yes please. Did pretty much everything there was to do in this game. Took a very long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Skyrim is one of my all-time favorites, but I would prefer a new experience.

anast17d ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree16d ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.

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COD Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Pride Month Freebies Released; Gundam Mobile Suit Collab Launched

Activision has not launched the Warzone and Modern Warfare 3 Gundam collab cosmetics, and also freebie skins in celebration of Pride month.

Ninjamonkey8218d ago

Wish the hadn't put them among the event camos.

VenomUK17d ago

Reset Era regulars are delighted at this news.

18d ago
Elda17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

Nice to have inclusivity. Happy Pride Month to the Puerto Rican community & the LGBTQ community here in NYC.

17d ago
anast17d ago

Who downvotes a comment like this?

Storm2317d ago

Yeah...the internet sucks.

Huey_My_D_Long17d ago

Welcome to the N4g. Where the gamers complain about gamer stereotypes while acting like gamer stereotypes.

Elda17d ago

Bigots & there are plenty on this site.

just_looken17d ago

The down votes because this is call of duty a first person shooter not pride month parade #45

I used to play first person shooter's for the military on military action not to watch someone with a pride flag stapled onto a cat shooting a gun from the boys on a map from my little pony.

Now you first up a game its all over your splash screen almost like a porn game can i just play a quick game like it was on the ps3 era ffs.

Elda17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

It's an article that's talking about COD & Pride freebies that coincides Pride month. June is the month of Pride & in the city & state of NY Puerto Rican heritage is celebrated including the LGBTQ community. You know where you can take your BS bigotry.

just_looken16d ago


Go bang a dude or be a trans i do not care just do not spread that crap in my face 24/7

I do not care if its dung beetal month i am just sick on tired of it being everywhere like the fury shit or in the old days were church's went door 2 door preaching like gtfo with your cult crap.

Elda16d ago

It goes to show how immature you are because the article didn't look for you you decided to enter the article yourself knowing you knew what the article was about from the get go. Your ignorance shows through knowing Pride month isn't just for the LGBTQ but for all cultures & communities. No one put a gun to your head to enter this article you decided to enter the article just to spew your negative bigoted BS or just maybe you entered the article out of curiosity because you're a closet case.

just_looken16d ago

I entered the article because its about call of duty a videogame because we are on a videogame website

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 16d ago
Daeloki17d ago

Happy Pride to you too, and have my upvote to at least try offsetting the downvotes!

16d ago
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17d ago
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A 13-year mystery around a secret Call of Duty MW3 ending is over

Captain Price's fate at the end of 2011's Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 could've been very different, as this new post-credits scene reveals.

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