
Press 'A' To Kick Ass

Disgruntled gamer Dave ‘Mack’ McConkey examines the trend for elaborate and cinematic character actions in response to relatively simple button presses – and asks whether this is disconnecting gamers from the very experiences they crave.

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christheredhead4636d ago

Pretty much what I hate about current gen games. Less user input and more cinematic flair. Doesn't make for a great game though. Makes for a very mundane experience on the user end. Some gamers enjoy that cinematic experience, I for one dont. It turns into less of an actual game and more of an interactive movie.

ginsunuva4635d ago

Yet again, how are you supposed to make Batman kick ass?

Solid_Snake374635d ago (Edited 4635d ago )

Throwing your controller at the wall certainly wont help Batman

PhantomT14124634d ago

I don't think that's the problem. It's always cool to have many character actions with a few user inputs. It's what I like about the combats in AC and Batman. To make them intersting in terms of difficulty, you just have to make the combination of these inputs more challenging (something that, I agree, both of these games didn't do).

from the beach4635d ago

Yeah, this is pretty much the big flaw with those Batman games - combat is basically one long QTE. The stealth bits are fun though, as is flying around the city.

scrambles4634d ago

and UC3 and BF3 and a lot of other games but UC3 is just an entire game made up of QTEs and its bores me to death

tigertron4635d ago

QTE is only good if done in small quantities. However, Heavy Rain relied heavily on QTEs and that game is brilliant. It just depends on what sort of game you play.

Braid4635d ago

I agree with most of what he says.

Let's try something shall we? Run any Assassin's Creed game, and let the enemies surround you. Let there be five or six enemies trying to attack you. Now press mouse button 2 repeatedly (or the controller equivalent) to counter-attack. Keep pressing the button, don't do anything else. Ezio will kill all of the enemies surrounding you in a cinematic fashion without a sweat. What a glorious victory. :)


Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple101122d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple101122d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO122d ago

The new update is so good...


Batman Arkham City in 2024 – How Well Does It Hold Up?

GB: "With this feature, we take a look back at the incredible Batman: Arkham City with the aim of analyzing it from the perspective of a 2024 release."

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Spider-Man 2 Metacritic review score means Marvel still hasn’t beaten DC

Reviews are finally out for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and the game's Metacritic review score means Marvel still hasn't toppled DC.

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CrashMania341d ago (Edited 341d ago )

The Arkham games are largely excellent, a shame they are being followed up by that god awful looking suicide squad game.

RaidenBlack341d ago

All 4 Arkham games are just amazing...
With the Gotham Knights turning out sub par, hope the Suicide Squad fails as well... So that both Rocksteady and WB Montreal goes back to creating good single player DC games ...
A batman beyond game maybe?

anal_vegan_moans341d ago

Having the game fail would make it harder for them to get funding for their next game, please don't wish this on them. They already delayed the game a whole year after backlash, so we still have to wait and see how it will turn out.

GhostScholar340d ago

I think asylum and origins were great. City was good. Knight was horrible.

341d ago
Ezio2048341d ago

You can't expect a game to match 96-94 meta apple for apple. Different era and different gen. No need to diminish either game's achievement. Arkham City and Spiderman 2 are both amazing sequels that improved upon their already incredible first parts.

Tacoboto341d ago

To back that up, there are major websites that adjusted their review scales.

IGN used to have a 100 point system; now it's a 10 point system. I remember GameSpot back in 2004 was razed for giving Halo 2 a 9.4 when IGN gave it like a 9.7 or 9.8

darthv72341d ago

Arkham Asylum was great, but when City came out... wow what a total overhaul that was. Nothing has had that type of night/day difference in scope and scale since.

SM2 is looking to be a great game in itself. Definitely an upgrade over the previous entries. Just from the opening battle with sandman, it gives me god of war 2 vibes with how that one opened with the battle with colossus of rhodes. That is still one of my favorite sequels of all time.

Zeke68341d ago

Thanks for the spoiler how the game starts loser...

darthv72341d ago

Zeke... you've had plenty of time to play god of war 2.

GaboonViper341d ago

And right on cue, here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece, not gonna work, this game is gonna be beast in success.

BehindTheRows341d ago

From the same folks who gave it a 10/10 no less.

Aloymetal341d ago

'' here comes the downplaying of Insomniacs masterpiece''
You know that train is never late.

isarai341d ago

Oh look, another trash article from Videogamer

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