
AMY Review - GameZone

GameZone's Matt Liebl writes, "With a few patches and tweaks, AMY could be a great game. In its current state, it's playable, but not as enjoyable as it could be."

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TheSanchezDavid4638d ago

I was considering downloading this. Glad I didn't after all. It's a shame it turned out the way it did.

ilovemyps34638d ago

like oporto wine, Amy is getting better with time ;)

a few hundred more reviews, and we can dream of a 6/10, maybe a 7/10. who knows :)

TheSanchezDavid4638d ago

What exactly were you going for here?

wooferine4638d ago

Amy already received a 6/10 from a website called Golden4games. It looks like it's written in Arabic or something.

ilovemyps34638d ago

Don't be so stressed and serious. relax.
This isn't about drought in Africa, human rights in china, dsk in france, nuclear weapons in Iran.

It's about a game that keeps getting the lowest scores of the last few years,in gaming history.

You don't need to look like a policeman punishing a guy that was walking in the street, and killed a fly. Having done hundreds of submissions should have given you the power to read stuff on the 2nd degree, without being offended.

It's certainly not your case, but people that get this serious on a simple gaming thread,on the internet, sometimes its because they can't have the respect they wish they had, in real life. Sure, on internet, sometimes people feel so powerful,specially when they can make a guy get a restriction,or being banned,etc. Maybe with all these video games, we get used to having extreme powers,and being able to do whatever we want. But back to the real life, we just follow the other ants.

And before reporting my post as being offensive/ personnal attack, try to explain to those who will come here, 1-what's wrong with my comment above ,and 2- the real reasons why you feel so upset and disgusted, and depressive. 3- what is the problem on trying to make fun from a game that scored a 2/10 this morning?
Really,relax. The end of the mankind isn't for tomorrow. I would never marry someone this serious. Like the game Amy, it would be boring. What about you? Would you marry a person that never laugh,too serious and too critical?

Relax. And feel free to report, if I don't post during a few days,or get banned, people in the real live will still love me.. :)

TheSanchezDavid4638d ago

The fact that I got two disagrees for leaving a perfectly valid reply only shows me how delusional (and possibly drunk) the N4G community really is.


10 Worst PS3 Games of All Time

Like any console, not every release was going to be a hit, and the PS3 certainly had its fair share of stinkers.

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darthv72248d ago

turning point had a really great story / concept... it just was very generic in its game play.

LucasRuinedChildhood248d ago (Edited 248d ago )

Haze is a bad game but Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty makes it seem like a captivating work of art. haha. Fuck that game

Shellshock 2: Blood Trails isn't on this list but it might be the worst game I've ever played. I got it as a present from my mam and when I saw the box, my life flashed before my eyes thinking of the Metacritic score: https://www.metacritic.com/...

I also received Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty as a present from another family member. Bless their hearts for trying but ... oh Lord. My uncle gave my Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time and MGS2 though. 😎

DarXyde247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

Was it really that bad? I recall trying the demo and not liking it, but that's just me not liking FPS games.

People I know who played it and like FPS games mostly came to the conclusion that it has a lot of room for improvement, but it's not nearly as bad as it's made out to be.

Don't know, my opinion on these games should be taken with a grain of salt.

mastershredder248d ago

Oof! yeah, Ride was a huge fumble they tried to market twice.
Haven Fall of the King was dog-shi7-tastic and should be a runner up to some of those.
I'd even nominate Legend of Kay. Heh Haze... there is no excuse for that one (just pretend Haze did not happen).

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5 Survival Horror Games That Missed the Mark

MonsterVine: "Let’s take a look at five survival horror games that tried to do something special but, for one reason or another, completely missed the mark."

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Video Game Characters and Autism - Building the "Model Aspie"

Examining and discussing how characters on the spectrum have been and could be utilized in our favorite medium.

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meka26112618d ago

What's kinda funny about this is, that I have a theory that all these electronics are what are causing autism. You think back to about a generation ago and autism wasn't that wide spread, or we just didn't diagnose it. I feel that since all electronics put out an emf field that it can have adverse affects on a developing brain. No data or anything for this, just a theory I have.

ravinash2618d ago

It's only been in the last generation or two where metal health has been a thing that can be documented.
A lot more studies are going into it so we're understanding it better.
In the old days, people would have lived their entire lives with things like autism and not even know it.
After all most people who have autism are on the extreme end of the spectrum, so it might not always be obvious.

meka26112618d ago

Yea that's a good point, we still have a very long way to go in diagnosing and treating mental disorders. It's just very hard to do that, but I totally agree with you.