-Mika-4584d ago

Why is Mario party 9 on that list. Seriously where is "The last of us"? You put mario party but not that game. Your site just lost a lot of respect from me.

LtSkittles4584d ago

When did Naughty Dog say it was coming out in 2012?

LtSkittles4584d ago

@Virtual ty for that +Bubs

EVILDEAD3604583d ago

Virtual Reality..those articles are bogus. They were written the same day as the VGAs and NEVER proved that Sony said anything.

Naughty Dog confirmed to USA Today that the game may not be realeased this year.

The article goes on to confirm that Last of Us is indeed a "cinematic" third-person title and it's planned for release on PS3 in "late 2012 or early 2013."



snipes1014583d ago

I think I will be alone in saying this but I could not care less about a new grand theft auto game. The mechanics have always felt wonky to me and I have just never had all that much fun playing them. Sandbox games have never done much for me.

antz11044583d ago

Lol, shows its an opinion piece. GTA5 over ME3?? I mean, really?

And no Borderlands 2.....meh list.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4583d ago
Pikajew4584d ago

I didn't know your opinion was a fact.

D3mons0ul4584d ago (Edited 4584d ago )

That's why this is their list, not yours.

NAGNEWS4584d ago (Edited 4584d ago )

stop with these top 10, top 5 lists. we have seen it before

btw Metal Gear Rising Revengeance shouldnt be on the list

DB94584d ago

You don't want lists, but you know what game should/shouldn't be on the lists?

RedDead4583d ago

Rising looks awesome. Hack and slash with vanquish movement...yes fu**ing please. The devs are great devs. Alot of people felt different about Resident evil 4. But yeah...RE4 is the best RE imo. MGR is getting downplayed because it's not a stealth game. Anyone that like's Hack and slash should be looking forward to it. I don't know how God of wars gets all the praise and this is just slagged off constantly

Rearden4584d ago

We've barely seen a screenshot from The Last Of Us. Nothing is known about that game. Tone down your fanboyism.

Kran4583d ago

I suppose the reason why TLoU is not up there is because WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT.

One cutscene trailer is all we've had.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4583d ago
omi25p4584d ago

Bioshock Infinite
Grand Theft Auto 5
Max Payne 3
Mass Effect 3
Tomb Raider
Rainbow Six Patriots
Halo 4

Possibly The Last Of Us after i see some gameplay

morganfell4584d ago

Thank you. Sony and CCP are doing something unprecedented. Something truly next gen...revolutionary without doubt. And you get disagrees, as will I from persons who could not be more obviously closed minded anti-gamers desperately clinging to their Sony hatred.

Ducky4584d ago

Not anticipating Dust 514 means you're a closed minded anti-gamer desperately clinging to Sony hatred?

... Well damn, I better start liking Dust514 then.

Virtual_Reality4584d ago (Edited 4584d ago )

Anyone that likes MMO/FPS with Online Gaming should like DUST 514, is beyond any other game have ever attempted in this genre:

Son_Lee4584d ago

01. Final Fantasy XIII-2 (LOVED XIII, sue me)
02. Mass Effect 3
03. Tomb Raider
04. BioShock Infinite
05. SSX
06. Tales of Graces F
07. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
08. Hitman Absolution
09. Dishonored
10. Silent Hill: Downpour

And many, many others.

BigDollarZoe9544584d ago

Final Fantasy XIII-2 my first on my list as well cant wait

Son_Lee4584d ago

My list was in no particular order, but it's glad to see someone else excited for FFXIII-2.

dark-hollow4584d ago (Edited 4584d ago )

1-mass effect 3
2-bioshock infinite
4-halo 4
5-diablo III
6-the last of us
7-twisted metal

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GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218317d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

17d ago
Rebel_Scum17d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.


Why I Believe GTA 5's Story Mode Isn't As Bad As People Think

GTA 5's story mode deserves more attention.

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Ezio204819d ago

Sure the story mode which got a 97 metacritic isn't as bad as people think. Stupid ass article.

GamerRN18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Who actually thought it was bad? Personally, I think they should have finished the Story DLC to at least gauge sales and if it was worth it vs GTO.

Terry_B19d ago

I think I did not see even one thought out piece by this site named tech4gamers yet. Nope..no approvals for this nonsense from me.

isarai18d ago

Ive never heard anyone really complain about the story mode 🤨

cloganart18d ago (Edited 18d ago )

Just some people who didn't like that the story was split between 3 protagonists and kinda had weird pacing because of it.

Rebel_Scum18d ago

I didnt like how the heists consisted of 3 preparation/fetch quests which were dull as. Also there should’ve been more heists and more assassination missions.

It was pretty good apart from that.

But yeah some folks didnt like the character switch on release.

gold_drake18d ago

ehhh who exactly thinks the story mode is "bad" ?

Dudeson18d ago

The only bad about it is that there isn't any more! Cancelled story dlc to make online stuff... But hopefully gta 6 will be a great adventure again.

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GTA V Story DLC Was Reportedly Canceled Amid GTA Online Becoming A "Cash Cow"

A major story DLC for GTA V was canceled as a result of its online component, GTA Online, becoming a "cash cow", based on the latest report.

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TheNamelessOne21d ago

GTA 4 had stellar extra content. Kind of annoys me they really only pay mind to online elements with their games anymore. They have the money and manpower to offer both to players.

just_looken19d ago

It still gets me pissed off to see the lost in gta5 because they are just a punching bag that tlad dlc was awesome.

We could have had Trevor be replaced with someone that over time with your help made the lost a huge gang in gta 5. but na we just get Trevor that had 0 character growth and the worst mission's in the game.

Amplitude19d ago

lol we've all known this forever.

just_looken19d ago

yes and no there is more coming out beyond what was reported before

XiNatsuDragnel19d ago

Unfortunate I wish we had the Trevor dlc files to add it in ourselves

Iceball200019d ago

They better not do the same with GTA6

Zeke6819d ago

They will for sure, online prints money for them thanks to the "whales" 😢

anast19d ago

Yeah, they didn't make enough money to make a story DLC...CEO's had to get those bonuses...

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