
Twitter Gives Birth to Star Wars: Battlefront 3 Rumors

StickSkills.com writes, "As Twitter starts to become more and more prominent in today’s culture, it’s often fun to watch the social networking site develop its own news cycle and set of rumors. On May 1 earlier this year, Twitter had killed off Osama Bin Laden over an hour before President Obama made the official announcement on national television. The same treatment was given last week to singer Jon Bon Jovi whom fortunately (according to our conscience, anyways) was very much alive."

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DarkBlood4655d ago

lol i just got battlefront 2 for 2 bucks on steam the other day

StraightPath4655d ago (Edited 4655d ago )

this generation is going past without a battlefront game? just wow it was amazing last generation and with online a norm nowadays its perfect for a game like this to become popular heck could become big as call of duty in terms of success and popularity if done correctly i am sure there are millions of star war fans.

theonlylolking4655d ago

Battlefront back in the PS2 days where I was growing up was just as popular as COD. It is sad to see such a great series not have a release this gen. There might be some time left but maybe they should just wait till next gen.

megacowdung4654d ago

I played Battlefront 2 more than Call of Duty :P

DeadlyFire4654d ago

I want to see Battlefront 3 vs. Battlefield 4 on the same tech level.

Starbucks_Fan4655d ago

IT'S TWO BUCKS NOW?!?! *runs to steam*

DarkBlood4655d ago

your too late its 5 now :P

jdktech20104655d ago

There's probably not much of a community left at all. I thought about getting it but come on it's like 8 years (or feels like it) since it came out

TXIDarkAvenger4655d ago

@jdktech2010 there is a large community of people still playing. I also bought it on Steam and was very impressed.

Best Star Wars game ever.

snipes1014654d ago

I really wish they would stop teasing us. The first go at this was already a failure. I really hope that they either confirm it soon or shoot these rumors down soon. I cant take more disappointment where this series is concerned.

NewZealander4655d ago

I don't care who makes it Just as long as someone makes it and does a good job at it too, I don't understand why someone has not picked up the rights to this game so far as would this not be the best gen of consoles to make a battlefront game? I mean battlefront is made for online multiplayer. We have waited far to long.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4655d ago

It's possible its finally coming out... But i'm also doubtful.
I do truly love the series. Battlefront was awesome and I would love to see the game in action with nicer graphics and gameplay improvements.
Battlefront is the pinnacle of Star Wars Games imo

Majin-vegeta4655d ago

Just don't f*ck with the gameplay and try to turn it into another cod clone>:|.

SilentNegotiator4655d ago (Edited 4655d ago )

25 Kills - Tactical Deathstar Strike

krazykombatant4654d ago

18 kills Juggernaut (Jedi/Sith) is on the battlefield.

dcortz20274655d ago (Edited 4655d ago )

We don't want Stars Wars Battlefront III anymore.. WE NEED IT!! The first two Star Wars Battlefront games were amazing, we need part three!

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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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anast287d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

287d ago
shadowknight203287d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Canceled Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP Images Leaked

Someone has just revealed images proving that there was supposed to be a Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP.

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Duke19874d ago

"Images of Gameplay" noted in the article.

Proceeds to only show Menu screens

GoodGuy09874d ago

Oh yea battlefront games were on the psp weren't they? And force unleashed as well. Great "handheld" versions those were.

plmkoh873d ago

Battlefront III in PSP is just Elite Squadron, was never cancelled. The start up menu is even the same same with X1 and X2.


Battlefront 3's Opening Leaked - Star Wars Fans At It Again

Clever Star Wars fans have uncovered yet another piece of Free Radical's Star Wars: Battlefront 3, exploring the game's tutorial level.

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Urrakia34971d ago

After all these years, Free Radical's SWBF2 is still the best overall Star Wars game to me. It had everything you could want in big fun team battles, Jedi vs Sith and the space battles were extremely well done giving you the ability to land inside a capital ship's hangar to sabotage and take it down from within.

Sciurus_vulgaris971d ago

Free Radical didn’t make Star Wars Battlefront 2. The long defunct Pandemic Games developed the original Battlefront 2.

Urrakia34971d ago

Thank you sir, I appreciate the correction. Pandemic also developed Mercenaries I believe, right? That game too is a classic!

Sciurus_vulgaris971d ago

Yes, Pandemic did indeed develop Mercenaries.

ZeekQuattro971d ago

I wish that IP would make a return. The original was better but its the second one had its moments. You could pretty much level anything in those games if you had the right armaments.

971d ago
plmkoh971d ago

This is just Battlefront Elite Squadron. Cancelling it was the right move, very few changes to Battlefront 3 except for a new forgettable campaign.