
Rumor: FFXIII And FF Versus XIII Trailers For PSN This Month?

According to Forever-Fantasy, a Square-Enix published book, CLOUD, will soon be released in Japan. A DVD comes packaged with the book as a bonus, and this DVD boasts all new videos for both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII! Now, these highly anticipated trailers are bound to get a ton of attention, but if they're only available on this DVD that comes out in Japan, how will you see them? Well, perhaps the trailers will go global...on the PlayStation Store. There is no evidence to suggest this will happen, but the timing would make perfect sense.

Bonsai12146137d ago

that would be great. watching a HD trailer on my tv is the next closest thing to actually playing the game..

same with the mgs4 gameplay demo. watching that gave me goosebumps about what is going to happen in the near future

Grassroots6137d ago

doubt they'll be released on the store, but they will leak on the internet, and I for one can't wait for a new trailer.

Vojkan6137d ago

Well you answered your own question. We all know that it is going to leak on youtube so why not give fans full HD? I know i would, to hype my game, and not let them watch low quality on youtube, that just kills hype.

Blademask6137d ago

But hasn't the American PS/PS2 owner shown that WE LOVE FINAL FANTASY. GIVE US THE GOODS AT LEAST THE SAME TIME?!?!

Same goes for Gran Turismo.

To the petition mobile!

@Bonsai I agree, its creepy to watch the vids of MGS and figure "I am going to be playing this, exactly like this."

FamilyGuy6137d ago

This is off topic but it got me thinking. Why aren't there any PS3 formt downloads like there are for everything else? I mean download sites and suck.

It would be really nice to download videos that have already been converted a PS3s HD format. i hate having to convert mkvs...

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Here Are The Games Leaving PS Plus Extra & Premium In May 2024

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gold_drake163d ago

crazy, glad i own the ones i wanted to revisit and play

ChasterMies162d ago

Absolver Downfall
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X | X-2
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
How To Survive 2
I Am Dead
Last Stop
Moster Jam Steel Titans 2
My Friend Pedro
Sundered Eldritch Edition
The Artful Escape
The Messenger
This Is The Police
This Is The Police 2
World of Final Fantasy

Asterphoenix162d ago

Glad that I absolutely can't stand subscription services.

Petebloodyonion162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

I don't recall Sony forcing you to subscribe like nobody forced you to go to Blockbuster to rent games instead of buying them.

SonyStyled162d ago

Pay-per-view was almost cheaper than the cost of gas and rental fee from Blockbuster. Blockbuster doesn’t exist today. Are you being sarcastic?


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