
Soul Worker Gameplay Trailer

Soul Worker takes place in post apocalyptic environments where you investigate what caused the disaster.

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TheGameFoxJTV4542d ago

Reminds me of no more heroes....but less fun looking.

Spenok4542d ago

Looks interesting. I wonder if it could/would ever come to consoles. (This looks like a game my wife would really enjoy and she doesnt play PC games lol)

Kyosuke_Sanada4542d ago (Edited 4542d ago )

I love the enemy design, reminds me a bit of Kazuma Kaneko's work in the Shin Megami Tensei series. I will keep an eye on this......


The anime-themed action MMO “SoulWorker” has just released its “DesireWorker” update

Get ready to experience power like never before, because today, publisher Gameforge and developers Lion Games are announcing a new update to their post-apocalyptic action anime MMO for PC, "SoulWorker".


I don’t like Animes, but I like this game

From Ulvespill.net: "The title is actually not clickbait, but the honest truth. I must admit, the whole Anime and manga genre is totally lost on me and I have never truly understood what all the fuss is about."

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“SoulWorker” is soon to get major content updates and a level cap increase

Announced at Gamescom, new end-game content is headed to SoulWorker, expanding the already hugely popular F2P MMO from Korean developer Lion Games.