
New ArcheAge Video Released. Shows 25 Minutes of Crowded Gameplay and a Party on a Ship.

XL Games published today a new video of the upcoming sandbox MMORPG ArcheAge, showing a whopping 25 minutes of gameplay. The video involves a very large crowd of players running around the boundaries-free world of the game and the construction and launch of a player-controlled ship, that ends up getting used as a party boat.

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4594d ago Replies(1)

"ArcheAge" has just dropped its "The Resourceful DARU" update

"Kakao Games and XLGAMES are today very happy and thrilled to announce the arrival of ArcheAge’s Summer Update, which is available for players to enjoy now." - Kakao Games and XLGAMES.


"ArcheAge" has just announced its Spring 2023 content update

"It is with great excitement that Kakao Games and XLGames announce ArcheAge’s first content update of 2023. The Spring Update will include a wealth of improvements and reworking of in-game features, engineered by the development team to continue enhancing player experience." - Kakao Games and XLGames.


“ArcheAge: Unchained” is opening an all-new fresh start server on February 9th, 2023

"Following the positive response to ArcheAge: Unchained’s previous Fresh Start Server, Kakao Games and XLGAMES are delighted to announce the launch of an all-new Fresh Start Server for the beloved MMO title.

The new server will be accessible to ArcheAge: Unchained players on February 9 and will include a host of new improvements to server specifications based on user feedback." - Kakao Games and XLGAMES.