
Our Top 10 Xbox 360 Games of 2012

From the PlanetXbox360.com feature article:

"2011 is just about wrapped up and for gamers that can only mean one thing: what to look forward to for next year. This year packed quite the punch on solid game releases and 2012 has a few heavyweights to get excited for. With several games still having tentative release dates, we wanted to highlight the top ten biggest titles currently slated for 2012. This list was aimed at covering a few different genres and each one is a Xbox 360 must for adding to your 2012 video gaming greatness radar."

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UltimaEnder4546d ago

Gonna be a good year for the Xbox 360!!

Buzz7S4546d ago

Eh. 2011 was bad for Microsoft. 2012 looks to be following in that path.

Unless they can get exclusive rights to add-ons or timed exclusives, multi-platform titles will mean nothing.

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to another year of gaming. Bioshock Infinite and Mass Effect 3 are going to be great.

Laxman4546d ago

2011 was amazing for Microsoft... Broke sales records for consoles and games, exclusives were the highest rated for any console of the year, new dashboard is amazing, Kinect is still going stronger than ever and now catering to the core crowd and every big multiplatform console game sold more on the 360 than any other macine... Whatever logic you used to come to your conclusion is flawed, if you used any at all.

ApplEaglElephant4546d ago

2011 was bad year for hardcore 360 gamers.

MS got all those extra sales from casual gamers. Funny how Xbox fanboys are celebrating MS successfully duping hardcore gamers for casual ones.

Hicken4546d ago

Good for Microsoft, but bad for core gamers who only had a 360. At least by Microsoft's own hands. The same thing as this year, pretty much... well, maybe a little worse.

Buzz7S4546d ago

@Laxman - don't talk about flaws. You missed the part where this discussion is about XBOX 360 GAMES, not its peripherals and software.

Laxman4546d ago

"exclusives were the highest rated for any console of the year"

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NukaCola4546d ago


We could play 9 of those on PC or PS3.

Also, why no mention of the 50 Kinect only games coming?

Where is Ninja Gaiden 3, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Tomb Raider?

ABizzel14546d ago

That just goes to show how good of a year 2012 is going to be already.

Multiplats along will gent you through the year.


Mass Effect 3's Ending for Javik Misses the Forest for the Trees

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anast94d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


Dragon's Dogma Is Still Amazing

Although the sequel is on the near horizon, the original Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen remains a fantastic action RPG, still worth playing.

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jznrpg95d ago (Edited 95d ago )

A lot of the quest lines in Skyrim are good(not all and they don’t add up as a whole if you do thieves guild mage fighters guild etc) The dragons are very lame after the first few times and the combat is clunky as it always has been. The stupid sprint button is ridiculous.

Overall I agree DD is the better rpg game.

Both have theirs strengths and weaknesses but Skyrim should be so much more being the 5th game in Elder Scrolls series.

Excited to see what they add on to DD 2.

Unfortunately all they have done to Elder Scrolls since Morrowind is take things out (minus the sprint button which is so lame because you can kill dragon god like creatures but can’t run for more than ten seconds without getting tired)

anast94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

I liked the vampire questline and the return to Morrowind was okay, but the problem with Skyrim was the lack of consequence. There is almost no point in the quests. After I realized this, I started messing around with the mods and then quit playing. Though, I did spend 300 hrs. on modded content, but this is telling of how bad the game kind of is.

If DD was the size or close to the size of Skyrim, It would have been the primer fantasy game back then. I hope they up the size with DD2.


10 Hardest PS3 Games of All Time

You might not be able to believe this, but Dark Souls is a pretty tricky game on the PlayStation 3.

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